Chapter 1 - Summer Snow

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"Were you listening to what we're saying?!" said my super-glamorous fashionista sister, Meredith.

"Yeah------no," I replied.

"I was telling our stupid, bossy, good-for-nothing brother," she glared at Jared - our eldest sibling - "that we should not hide and keep a low profile when we get to Mildia!"

"What were you saying~?" Jared said smiling - a smile that always meant trouble - as he pulled Meredith's purple locks.

"N-nothing! I'm so sorry!"

Jared let go of her hair and said to all of us: " We must not stand out very much for it will be very risky and dangerous for all of us. We might have allied families in Mildia but 'they' also have. Never ever use your powers unless absolutely necessary, especially you, Xyrene. And you, Erik, make sure no one would notice your sister is the 'heir'."

My younger twin brother, Erik, smiled reassuringly at me. "Don't worry, Sis. We're in the same class. We'll just look out for each other." His features are exactly like mine. Unlike Jared's blue hair and eyes, or Meredith's purple hair and gray orbs, we have the same snow white hair and dark violet eyes. The only difference is that his eyes have a spark of adventure while mine are cold and lifeless.

"I hope we'll not come across some superstitious old man that will call us demons,"I joked as warmly as I could.

"You're so creepy. I can't tell your emotions with that cold tone of your voice. You're like an anti-social heartless freak," said Meredith.

"We're here at Mildia," Dad said from the driver's seat.

"It's dark already so go to sleep. Our things are already there. Tomorrow's your first day at Mildia Academy," said Mom as we went out of the car.

-------The next day-------

"Xyrene, wake up."

I rubbed my eyes sleepily. "Good morning, Mom."

She wiped my sweaty forehead and and finger-combed my hair. "It's the first day of school. You don't want to be late do you?" she said, smiling.

"I'm going to eat breakfast," I said as I stood up.

My mother, born Skyrie Luna Ambers a.k.a. the White Queen, is a demon fox. She and Dad had a long, complicated love story before they got married. I am her spitting image but I got my lack of expression from Dad, while Meredith and Erik got her smile and cheerfulness.

"Your breakfast is ready. Your siblings are already eating."

After I brushed my hair, I went downstairs to eat. As I sat down, all I heard was:

"Dad, let's go home! It's so hot here! No one told me about the climate. I want to go back to Luna Arctica!"

"Meredith, stop annoying Dad!" Jared said with authority in his voice, even if he was drowning in sweat.

"Dad, will Sis be okay with the temperature?"

"SILENCE!!!" Dad yelled with such powerful authority that Jared flinched. Jared Nathaniel Frostier, head of the Frostier Clan a.k.a. my father, had striking blue hair and cold, piercing gray eyes that radiated power. He looked me in the eye and asked sternly: "Xyrene, do you want to stay here in Mildia? Answer me honestly," with emphasis on 'honestly'.

"Dad, to be honest, I don't like it here," I said. He narrowed his eyes at me so I quickly added: "But for the sake of our truce with 'them' and as the 'heir' of the Frostier Clan, I will stay and endure the burning heat." I breathed in deeply for I was able to answer Dad properly.

"Very well. We will not be going back to Luna Arctica."

"NO! Dad, please!" Meredith said with puppy-dog eyes.

"Meredith, please listen to your father. Now, finish your food," Mom said calmly as she joined us.

"Maybe this is for the better," said Erik with his mouth full.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full," I told him.

As we finishes our breakfast, we all took a bath and changed into our uniforms. It is a good thing the fabric is light and absorbent. I wore a scarf to hide the snowflake birthmark on my neck - the mark of the heir of the Ice goddess Ishannah, ancestor of the Frostier Clan.

As we walk out the door, we kissed our parents goodbye and they bid us good luck. And we stepped into the light and tried to ignore the scorching sun.

-------time skip-------

As we were nearing the school, we saw a crowd begin to form, with girls squealing and boys shouting:

"Louis, break up with Jewel Anne and be my boyfriend!"

"Shereena, please go out with me!"

"Gabriel, will you marry me?!?!"

We did our best to remain inconspicuous as we avoided the crowd of crazed fangirls and fanboys. I sneaked a glance at the 'celebrities' and saw one of them staring directly at me. He had a shocked expression which quickly turned into a smirk and he winked at me. I blushed and quickly looked away. I tried to remove him from my mind but I just can't. He is very handsome and his ruby eyes are too mesmerizing. However, he creeps me out because he seems so very much familiar. Have we met before?

As we were already several feet away, I could still feel someone gazing at me with burning intensity.

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