Chapter 3 - Burning Ice and Cold Fire

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It's really hard to be in the middle of a confrontation, especially if you are the cause of it. I know how it feels, I'm in the middle of one right now.

"Xyrene, stay away from those fire-bloods, especially from that arrogant prince," Jared said sternly.

"B-but--," I protested but he cut me off.

"Stay away from them," he repeated, emphasizing every syllable.

"O-okay," I said softly, still unable to process everything.

"And you, Erik, end your relationship with that...girl."

"I can't. I don't want to," Erik said weakly.

"What do you mean 'you can't'?!" Meredith shouted.

"We're serious. Why the hell do you care?!" it was Shereena who yelled back at my sister.

"He's my brother! I won't let lowlifes like you near him!" Meredith retorted.

"Don't talk to my sister like that, or I'll burn you to ash," Louis threatened, making my sister step back.

"Lay a finger on her and I'll freeze your blood," Jared bit back venomously.

Finally, he spoke up: "Everything you're arguing is pointless. It's not like she'll die if I touch her."

"Try, and we'll wage war," Jared warned.

"I don't care. I didn't know that Ishannah's descendants are impulsive and irrational," Gabriel said calmly. Does he have a death wish?!

Jared was about to punch him in his handsome face if not for my shoulder.

"Brother, please stop. He's right, it's pointless. Don't do this, for me," I pleaded, trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder.

I saw Jared's angry expression melt into fear and concern. "I'm sorry, are you okay?" He led me away from Gabriel.

"Now, you see that your excessive protectiveness led you to hurt your precious little sister," Louis said calmly, as if trying to provoke us.

"This would not have happened if not for you, all of you," Meredith spat.

"It's your fault, if not for your meddling none of these would have happened," Shereena choked. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"Stop this nonsense. You better attend to Xyrene. She might be bruised from your fist," Gabriel reminded. Maybe he really cares.about me. Or maybe he wants to divide our family.

Erik touched my left shoulder. I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming in pain. "We'll fix that when we get home."

Jared, Meredith, Erik and I walked away from the 'crime scene' with people's stares following us. I ignored all of them and looked back at the Firenzes. Gabriel glanced at me and I gave him the warmest smile I could muster to let him know I'm fine. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' but his eyes seemed to show anger, sorrow, and confusion.

-------time skip-------

At the cafeteria, we ate in deafening silence. No words. No eye contact. Nothing at all. Until I broke it: "It's my fault, I should have avoided him. I would stay away from them from now on."

"Sis, it was my fault. Shereena and I..." Erik's voice trailed off.

"We'll just talk about it later, okay?" Meredith said while trying to force a smile.

"It was impulsive of me to do that. I got angry when I knew Louis' siblings were in your class," Jared said.

"It's okay," I comforted them.

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