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Disclaimer: It's getting boring but, I don't own Kingdom Hearts. Hn.

Author's notes: This is a fic I had in mind for about half a year? I dunno. I've always wanted to write an AU fic where Sora is a new student and really poor and he meets Riku who is everything Sora wants to be. And of course Riku is a total ladykiller and even the boys fall for him. So it's obvious that Sora's gonna fall for him and yeah. A RikuxSora fic, what else ^^

I don't know what you'll think of this fic and I don't know what exactly this is going to be but I just typed out this first chapter so read it if you like. Yeah. Um. have fun!

It was Wednesday and Sora loathed it. He loathed it because today was his first day at the new school. Everyone was staring at him, whispering in hushed voices as he walked past them, trying to find that damned classroom. He had no idea about the building and the fact that he didn't even know which class he was in made it even worse.

He sighed, feeling his stomach twist in nervousness. His first day and he was already going to be late. In his old school he had no problems whatsoever but things changed since his mother got a new job in this new town. They had to move, move from their cosy, if small, house into another small one, which was not cosy at all. It was a shabby apartment but Sora wouldn't complain because he knew how much his mother worked just to get them through. It had been hard for them ever since Sora's father died. It was a stupid car accident and Sora wondered why in the world his father had to be the one dying in that accident and not the drunk who was driving the damned car.

A sudden row of giggles and whispers pulled the boy out of his thoughts. He thought the group of girls was laughing at him, it wouldn't surprise him. After all, he was standing in the middle of the hallway with a lost expression on his face, seeming even more confused than he was. The fact that he was almost one year younger than most of the people here was also making him nervous. Most people born in August would have gone to school one year later but he went anyway and so he was always the youngest in his class. In his old school, this hadn't been a problem but here? He didn't know if his new classmates would accept him. Were the girls already laughing at him? It would just be his luck.

But he was wrong, for the girls weren't laughing at him but giggling and gushing about someone who came striding down the hall.

"Ahh, see, he's got a new shirt! I saw him buy it at this fancy store!" one of the girls exclaimed, getting heart-shaped eyes and a flushed face as she told the story of running into - and there was the name Sora didn't catch - as she was going out for some shopping.

"I heard he's got a girlfriend now, you know, that girl from class B. She's in my drama class," another girl whispered. Immediately a row of surprised murmurs ran through the group. Some girls insisted that it was just a rumour and that their God did not have a girlfriend. Some said that it must be true since the two were always hanging around each other.

"Kairi is her name, I think? But why is he interested in that girl? I mean, okay, she seems like the perfect girl and she's nice and she's pretty and.." A sigh travelled through the group and they all had hopeless expressions at this.

"What a perfect match. Riku and Kairi."

Sora's ears perked up. Riku. He thought he had seen that name somewhere.

'Must remember...must remember...think, Sora,' he told himself, wondering where he could have seen that name. It wasn't on TV because ever since they came here he had no television. The only thing that kept him connected to the outside world was the occasional newspaper he found. Not that they actually got it, they couldn't afford anything beside the most necessary food, but Sora wouldn't complain, no he wouldn't.

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