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Disclaimer: It's getting boring but, I don't own Kingdom Hearts. Hn. 

Author's notes: Sorry to keep you waiting! But as a little comfort, this chapter is a lot longer than it was supposed to be. 

Maybe that's why it took so long to type ^^ ...or the fact that I've been too busy reading... 

anyway here's the third chapter...we also meet Sora's mother here! Neat, huh?

um...ok.. hope you like it!


Sora let himself fall backwards on his bed, trying not to hit his head in the tiny space. Why in the world did he get bunk beds? It wasn't like he had siblings or friends who would sleep there. It only caused him to hit his head all the time because there was so little space.

But that was probably just because the beds had been there ever since they moved in and his mother had no money to buy new ones. There wouldn't be any space anyway. His room was a closet, or so he thought. It must have been a closet before. There was barely room for the bed, which was standing against the wall on the right. There was only a narrow space between the bed and the desk, which was standing against the opposite wall. The distance couldn't be more than 3 feet. And as if the room weren't full enough there was also a dresser, small but still taking too much space.

The door covered the bed half way when it was open. So every sane man would have kept the door close to get a little more space. However, keeping the door of such a small room shut was very unwise. Sora wasn't claustrophobic at all but it was impossible to spend too much time in this room with a closed door.

Sora sighed as he looked at the small alarm clock on his desk. It was almost past 9 p.m. now. His mother still wasn't home although she promised to come back at 8 to bring some dinner. Through the small window he could see that it had started to rain. Sora smiled. He loved rain. For some reason he always wanted to run out into the cold rain. Maybe because his father had often taken him out into the rain when he was still alive.

His thoughts suddenly fixed on that particular memory, when he was barely 4, a little kid. His father was carrying him on his shoulders, spinning around while the heavy rain descended on them. They had laughed and laughed and his mother had been calling for them to come in before they caught a cold. They had ignored it, of course, and kept spinning and running in the rain until his mother followed them, joining them in their fun. Sora loved to remember those things, those little happy moments of his childhood. Things were different now.

His father was gone; his mother was working all the time, trying to pull them through. They didn't even have a laundry machine and Sora had to wash all his clothes with his hands. Not that he had many clothes. They were too poor to buy fancy clothes with brands and all. He never wore such things and he remembered being mocked by other children for it. Everything had changed. Sora felt a little sadness come over him but he promised himself not to cry because he didn't want to be ungrateful. He had a good life. At least his mother was still with him and she was the greatest mother one could ever get. And also, he had found people whom he liked, in his new school.

Blushing slightly, Sora rolled over to his side as he thought of Riku. Riku, that perfect boy. He hadn't been able to think of anything but him for most of the afternoon. He even caught himself writing the boy's name on his desk like a lovesick schoolgirl. It was embarrassing he acted this way and he felt really stupid like this. He vowed to himself to get that under control because he wanted only one thing from Riku. He wanted to know him, to have him trust him so he could also trust Riku. He wanted someone to share his time, maybe. A friend.

The sound of keys being flung across the shabby kitchen counter jerked Sora out of his thoughts.


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