Chap 4

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Disclaimer: It's getting boring but, I don't own Kingdom Hearts. Hn. 

Author's notes: Being locked in a hotel with nothing but mountains around you sucks. Yup. 

But out of frustration I still managed to write this! Ain't I great? Read now and have fun!

The next morning Riku awoke two hours before his alarm went off. He usually woke half an hour before the alarm; he had some kind of internal clock. This time, however, it was still dark and he was already wide-awake, too awake for his taste. He stared at the darkness in the room and noticed that the sun was coming up slowly, lightening the room little by little. He sat up and pushed away the covers. It was warm today and Riku crawled out of his bed, and he crawled for a while because the bed was so very big, he thought he'd never reach the edge. When he finally did reach the edge he got up and walked towards the French windows that lead to the balcony. He opened them and went out, still wearing his pyjamas.

The morning breeze stroked against him and he shuddered at the sudden cold. So it wasn't that warm today; it was probably just his well-heated room.

He went back and made for his closet to find something to wear. As he opened the big mahogany doors he stared at the wardrobe. This closet could have been a hidden room if it weren't for the clothes. Take out the clothes, put in a bed and a desk and you've got a room for another person, Riku thought.

But then again, what person?

Riku sighed, taking out the next best thing to dress himself. When he was younger he had maids and butlers dress him which he found really embarrassing back then. Two years ago he had a big fight with his parents, yelling at them to give him some privacy and it had worked. At least a little. He was allowed to dress himself nowadays.

He was finished and ready to go way too early. It wasn't even 6 o'clock yet. He went around in his room and it was like walking through a city doing sight seeing. The room was full of furniture, arcade machines, game stations, his piano (which he hated), a billiard table, a strange statue of something that was considered a masterpiece of art and a lot of other crap. He didn't really care for all these things. But then again, he was caged in here for a long time; the only time he got out was to go to school or when he had some excuse like buying new clothes. The rest of his life was spent here in this room. He could have used the whole residence but he preferred his own little palace because it gave him a slightly safer feeling. So all the things in his room did have a purpose. They kept him from being bored.

Riku sat down on the piano stool. He hated his piano because it was just another thing his parents had forced him into. He couldn't understand why he had to learn all these things. Why couldn't he just be like everybody else and have friends?

Immediately he regretted this thought because the image of Sora was glued to his mind again. No matter what he did, he would always come back and haunt him. Riku felt like screaming. Why was he behaving like this? It had never happened before. Riku almost doubted his ability to flirt a little with him because of his own strange feelings.

This Sora, Riku thought, was definitely someone to keep an eye on. He had to be careful around him because this boy seemed to be able to turn Riku's mind upside down. And that was not good.

Riku was now standing in front of the second house in the row. He was surprised at first at the size but then he remembered Sora saying that it was indeed very small. He shrugged and looked at his watch. 7:30 sharp. He'd never been late except for home.

Sora wasn't there yet and he couldn't hear any noise coming from the inside. Was that the wrong apartment? Or had Sora left without him?

Riku felt a knot forming in his stomach and he bit his lip in worry. What if Sora forgot and left without him and now he was standing here, making a total fool of himself? Again! He thought. Again this stupid boy had managed to make him act like that! He must have been a magician or something, Riku fumed. He was almost about to walk away, turning around with stomping feet as he heard a scream from the inside.

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