Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: It's getting boring but, I don't own Kingdom Hearts. Hn.

Author's notes: Wow! o_O so many reviews already? I can't believe you like this story so much ^^

The idea's not really original I guess but I'll try to make it worth reading! Last chapter was Sora's POV so we get Riku's in this one. I tried to make this a little more believable so we get to see what the Mr Perfect actually thinks and feels ^^

Umm and Chiikuu: about this brunet vs brunette thing. Actually someone pointed out to me that it is spelled brunet. For more info, I've looked it up both on the internet and my own dictionary and it's right. 'brunette' is used for females so since Sora is not a girl it's spelled 'brunet'. you can look for yourself:


I guess not many people know about that so I don't think there's much difference... I used to write 'brunette' because 'brunet' look a little, well, wrong to me. I still mix it up sometimes so I might spell the word different in every other sentence...eheh. I guess it's ok as long as it gets the point across, though.

The bell rang and Riku made his way through the crowded halls. The school day was already over and Sora was stuck in the classroom, talking to a teacher who tried to explain the curriculum and rules to him. Riku smiled as he thought of the new boy. He seemed interesting in a way, outstanding compared to all the other bland students in this school. Even though every girl in the entire school was trying to get close to Riku, he never really bothered to like anyone.

He sighed. Sometimes he felt stupid. He felt like he was caged by his parents in a way even though he was rich and could do practically everything he wanted to. If he decided to go to Disney Land he could have just taken their private jet and gone to wherever he wanted - as long as he was back for the dinner party. Idiotic dinner parties. Oh and yes, they had a private jet. Riku loathed it because all the girls wanted to see it and revelled of them and Riku flying to Paris.

"The city of looooveee-" he sarcastically sang to himself, imitating those idiot girls chasing him.

He shook his head and continued to walk down the hall. Idiot girls, he repeated in his mind. And still he flirted with every single of them, using his charm every day. It was the only way to deal with them, he thought. They weren't his friends, nor did he want to be friends with them, so the next best thing to keep them from being overly depressed and heart broken (yes, he knew how those teenage girls were) was to pretend he actually cared for them. Not that he really did, or tried to make them like him. They just fell for him the moment they saw him and he couldn't do a thing to make it stop. It was like a curse.


He winced. A girl's voice but at least it wasn't any of his groupies.

"Kairi," he muttered, turning around with a forced smile. 'No need to be harsh to her, she's not one of the idiot girls,' he told himself. Still, he had to get home now. He promised his parents to come home as soon as possible since there was a banquet that he needed to attend.

'Stupid banquet...' He had never understood why he had to be there when his parents had a party. They called it his duty as their heir and he always pretended to understand although in reality he thought it was ridiculous.


Kairi nearly ran him over as she jumped to catch up with him. She hugged him, smiling brightly as always and Riku sighed, waiting for her to finish. He always let her hug him but he never really hugged her back. Kairi was used to it, though.

She nodded, brushed herself off and straightened.

"Sooooo, you seem to have found a new target, huh?"

SorikuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora