Lovers And Haters

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After the close encounter, I found a cheap hotel, $5 a day. If anything, I was lucky that they decided not to close today.
"Here's your room keys, miss." He purred. Ew, I thought, He's such a pervert. Leaving as quickly as possible to the stairs, I began walking up them quietly.
"Room 24..." I muttered to myself, having no idea where I was walking.
"You need Room 24?" A female startled me on the steps. I misstepped and slipped down about 5 stairs.
"Ow..." I mumbled, hearing a worried gasp and steps coming closer to me.
"I'm soooo sorry! Are you okay?!" The girl. I looked up, and was greeted with amazingly purple eyes.
"Y-Yeah..." I held the rail to help me up. "I need to find Room 24... Any chance you can help?"
"Sure!" She smiled, brightly. The girl then rushed me up the steps.
"Hey, by the way, I'm Lacey." I said as we were sprinting to the end of the hallway.
"Jane!" She called back, as I began to lose breath. Hmm. Jane... That's not a... fitting name... I thought, then pushed it to the back of my mind filing cabniet.
Finally, we were at Room 24. "Longer than you expect, huh?" Jane teased, looking at how heavily I was breathing.
"Yeah I guess you're... THE CLOTHES!" I yelled, an echo heard down the hall. "Oh crap, I have all this new clothes, but I left on the stairs when I fell!"
"Stop your gibbering and gabbering! I'll get them!" Jane cheerfully exclaimed. I nodded, even yelling got me out of breath. Then off went Jane, back through the hall to get the bag.
I shook my head slowly. "What has my life gotten to..." I muttered, recalling everything with Scanty and Kneesocks.

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