Part 9

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Simon p.o.v.
We are all sitting at the couch now, well except for Alvin who is playing video games.

We hear the music start so we quickly all turn to the TV.

"This isn't a scary movie right?" My little brother said shaking.

"Theodore it's a Disney movie, those are meant for kids our age." Eleanor said trying to calm him down.


We are now half way trough the movie, and I hear some shivering noises next to me.
I look beside me and see a sleeping Jeanette. I quickly put a blanket over her. She immediately stops shivering.
I smile at her. She's sleeping so peacefully.

"Simon... SIMON." I hear Brittany yell.

UGH. Not the daydreaming again.

"Yes?" I say annoyed because of myself

"Wow, what's wrong with you?" Brittany replied.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Oh? You kn-... Never mind. But anyway, you're sitting on the remote, can I have it back?"

"Whoops, yeah of course." I say while handing her the remote.


"No problem" I reply

"We're going to sleep." Theodore, Eleanor and Brittany said in unison.

"Okay, I will be right there."

"Okay." Theodore said

I hear Jeanette waking up.

"Uh- did y-you have a good nap?" I say to her

"Huh- oh yes of course! Haha" she said

" where are the others?" She asked while looking around the room.

"They're already upstairs." I reply

"Oh okay, why didn't you go with them?" She asked me

"Because you were sleeping and I didn't want to leave you here."

"Thanks Simon." She said while giving me a hug.

I began to smile, and the smile didn't go away for like 62837833 hours.

We cleaned everything up, and went upstairs. We went up the stairs paw in paw. We jumped in our own beds while we got in our room.
I could tell she was tired.
So I put the blankets over her, everyone else was sleeping so.
I jumped in my own bed.
I heard her whisper a goodnight Simon and then she drifted off in a deep sleep.

"Goodnight Jeanette." I said while closing my eyes before dozing off in a probably long sleep.

Okay guys, is this a longer chapter? Probably not. But anyway, sorry for the inactivity lately. I've been kinda busy with school. So I think I will post once a week or so. So I'm gonna say goodbye for now.


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