Part 13

608 13 5

Simon P.O.V.

"NO IT'S MY TURN SIMON!" Alvin yelled at me

"You've been on the computer for four hours straight, it's my turn!" I said back.

"And I'm the nerdy nerd and I think I know everything better and I've been studying for a billion hours."he said teasingly with a childish voice

"Ha ha ha, very funny Alvin" I replied

"I know right!" He said while taking a bow in front of me

I gritted my teeth in anger, walked away and thought, he's not worth it Simon, he's not worth it.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Theodore talking to Dave. I quickly walked away because I'm not the type to overhear it.
I got into the living room and started reading. I saw Brittany coming into the living room , she just came back from shopping and had 13 pink shiny bags in her paws.

"Wow Brittany, what is in those bags?!"

"Oh, you know my weekly shopping trip clothes , regular things." She said casually.

I nodded

Brittany left, I saw Alvin coming into the room.
CLEAN. Wow, what happened,

"Wow, Alvin are you clean? Wait- what are you planning?" I asked scared of what may the answer be.

"Oh- um nothing. Just going to- you know- ask- B-Brittany out. Hehe" he giggled nervously

"Oh, okay"

"What, you just gonna do random now? No WOW or THAT'S GREAT ALVIN AND I SUPPORT YOU IN EVERYTHING!" He yelled at me

"You don't do that with me." I said chuckling while still keeping my eyes on my book.

"Aarghh, I could kill myself RIGHT NOW!" He said while bringing his teeth together and talking.

"Go ahead, I won't judge"

After that I saw my 'older' brother leave the room.

I looked around the room, to only find a photo from the international music awards. With me, my brothers and of course The Chipettes.
It was taking right after we left the stage. Everyone's wearing a big smile on their face. It's such a great picture. I look at everyone, when my eyes met Jeanette, I just can't stop looking at her.
I'm wondering, why can't I just be with Jeanette?
You know what, I'm going to ask her.
Right now!

So yeah, the ending of gravity falls was Monday. But I couldn't see it yet because I live in Holland. I guess we will have to wait another 3847474 years. BUT (😂) I'm going to see it on the Internet, so no worries for me, am I right? Anyway I tried to make this a longer chapter, BUT (😂,I'm sorry) Unfortunately, I failed. For the 152639 time. IM SO SO SORRY

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