Part 14

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Simon p.o.v.

As I was searching around the house, looking for Jeanette, I heard someone screaming VERY loudly from outside. Everyone immediately came downstairs. We all went outside to see what happened, and then we saw it. We all stood there mouths wide open because the scenery that lay before us was terrifying, wanna know why? Dave had been in a car crash, we saw him there laying in front of a car, he was losing a lot of blood.

"CALL 911" I said to Alvin while stressing out

Of course I knew what to do in this situation, but actually experiencing it in real life is something I thought would never happen, so I had the worst thing you could EVER have in a situation like this; a BLACKOUT.
Jeanette must've seen me standing there frozen, because she said
"Simon you know what to do, just breathe"

And that gave me courage, because I did know what to do. So without wasting another second. I ran inside, grabbed the tablecloth and pressured it onto Dave's wound to stop the bleeding. In the mean time Alvin had called an ambulance and they were on their way. I checked Dave's pulse only to find out his heart rate was slowing down, I was now starting to panic even more.

"LOOK THERE'S THE AMBULANCE" I heard everyone scream

I quickly stepped aside and let the professionals to their job, they lifted Dave into the ambulance and we hopped in too.

As we were driving everyone was quiet, they were probably still in shock which is understandable because half an hour ago everything was normal.

We arrived at the hospital and went into the waiting room, because Dave had to have surgery.

Brittany and Alvin were Quietly talking about something, and Eleanor and Theo were looking for a vending machine. So that left me and Jeanette.

"Do you think he is going to be okay?" Jeanette asked me while looking down sadly

"I'm going to be honest, that we shouldn't be so sure about it. Because you saw it and it was pretty bad" I replied

"Yeah, just trying to be positive I guess" she said

"I understand, but we mustn't jump to conclusions alright?

"Yea" she answered

--------5 hour time skip---------
While waiting we were asked if we wanted dinner, but no one did.
Finally the doctor came in.

"So, is he okay? Can we go home now?" Alvin said

"Name of patient?" The doctor said

"David" Alvin said tense

"Oh, I'm so sorry but he didn't make it." The doctor replied looking very uncomfortable

Everyone was shocked, we didn't know what we just heard. Dave didn't make it? What?


"David Seville?" The doctor questioned

"Yes, that's him, thanks for rubbing it in though" Alvin said

"Oh no, you don't understand. I was talking about David Johnson. Your David is going to be just fine!" The doctor smiled at us

"Are. You. Kidding. Me." Brittany said
"So I was wasted my $75 MASCARA on crying my eyes out for nothing, you better pay me back doc."
"Lets just be happy Dave's going to be okay" Theodore smiled

"Yeah, be glad he didn't die"
Eleanor said

"Do you want to go see him now?" The doctor asked

"No, I'd prefer playing my video games if you don't mind" Alvin said unbothered
What've you been up to while I was gone?
Hope you like this chapter! :)
Again, I'm very sorry for not updating.
I'll try to update as soon as I can.


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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