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The next few chapters are gonna be something very steamy, but ya know all the innocent souls left at the beginning because I warned about this chapter. Little shout out for my little ghosty boo Tabathie 

It was late in the evening, Sans had already rolled over and was sleeping soundly. His chest rose and fell slowly. You curiously moved your hand along his jacket as the sleeping bear rolled onto his back and made a little growling noise in his sleep. You slowly moved your hand along his shirt and slowly pressed down until your finger stopped finding his center of his sternum. You where kinda curious about the whole skeleton monster so you got up and stepped lightly and moved his shirt a little and you looked around.

 His long spinal cord that ran down the center had a few cracks in them which concerned you. You gentley ran you finger along his spinal column and as your finger went off you felt something resonating. you felt around until you felt a soft heart brush the back of your hand. your soul you thought to yourself as you moved your hand along his rib cage. He growled a little his tongue sticking out of his mouth slighlty responding to the feeling of your fingers.

"ngh...." His eye opened and he looked at you with your hand under his shirt, his eyes lazy and tired "I eh..." You had no idea how to explain your actions...

 Everything grew kinda awkward for a second before he gave you this "are you serious?" face. "Curious arent we?" He chuckled a little sitting up and you retract your hand quickly. But he grabs your hand "ya know.... I felt that.... dont you remeber? when I shut you up with your fingers.... you taunted me then with a little lick.... and now your taunting me again... you seriously need to make up your mind missy" He grinned lustly.  "Do you want me or not" His eyes showing a suggestion to more.

"p-pardon?" You blushed as his tongue rolls out and he licks your fingers. His red eye glow "Ya know... Skeleton are quiet sensetive to touch... usually skeletons like me and my brother take medication more like calcium pills so help with that sensitivity of our bones but ya know... we arent too fond of visiting Alphys so sometimes we go months without the medication and then we start taking it again so intervals are fairly unstable...." Underfell got onto his knees and moves closer pushing you back down and he was looming over top of you. His long red jelly tongue licked his golden tooth, Your curiosity and the need to cool the mood you reach up and run your finger along his tongue. It felt like jello but very firm jello. He smirked a little and waited for you to satisfy your curiosity when you remove your finger tips are covered in a slightly sticky goo like saliva. 

"seems like your curious to know more about what Us Underfell monsters are capiable of.." He chuckled "If you cant walk after your little learning session is done dont worry... ill carrry you..." His red eyes flamed. 

Underfell  Destructions PearlWhere stories live. Discover now