Flowey returns

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"Hey Y/N! SANS Y/N" A flower pot bounced into view with a gleeful smile "... What the hell happened while I was gone?"Flowey stared at you wrapped in Sans being held close. "things we dont need to discuss at this moment..." You responded flatly as Sans moved you out of sight and you got dressed quickly kinda missing that closeness to Sans. ~~~~ "Where have you been in all this time?" You asked curiously lightly jogging over to the flowey. "me? oh ive been trying to find you two of course!" he smiled. "We stayed on the main path... and Undyne she said she bumped into you where ever you ended up" Underfell growled with a slight hiss.

"yeah sorry, Undyne almost ate me a few nights ago" Flowey shivered in fear "b-but ya know im here now! heh heh!" Flowey smiled happily bouncing up and down. "Im glad your back" you picked up the flower pot and hugged flowey. "T truly missed you, this world is so scary without my trusty guide" You smiled softly. Flowey smiled happily and nuzzled your cheek. Sans growled slightly rolling his eyes continuing to walk "you coming idiots?" He called over his shoulder his red eye flickered as if saying he really wanted to get moving. "coming" you pick up Flowey and your bag.  You quickly catch up with underfell with flowey in your hands "So what did you mean by things are going to change?" You asked him. "oh I just said that  to know you've passed through waterfall..." He didn't seem to be telling the full truth.  but you didnt really touch on the subject

"l should of eaten your soul when I had the chance" He growled softly, You looked at Underfell who seemed a bit darker in atmosphere now, He seemed unsure about something. unsually hesitant. He seemed as if he was angry about something, he didnt look at you while saying that so was he talking about... Flowey?

--flash back to a few nights previous-- 

"Hey Sans" A familar voice spoke, "flowey? where the hell have you been?" Sans turned his head, "Just setting something in stone" he cackled darkly. "Oh? what have you got planned?" Sans said toneless. "course the moment we get in there I can finally take her soul and we can secure never going back..." He cackled. "i see" Sans nods "odd of you to be so emotionless, are emotions getting in your path?" Flowey asked. "heh, maybe..." Sans said quietly looking down at you sleeping soundly. 

"dont let them control you too much... cause shes going to be dead soon" Flowey smirked, "Yeah yeah, tomorrow we should reach the gates, meet us there" Sans growled slightly as Flowey disspeared into the night. A feeling of remorse and guilt overcame him. Could I really watch her die? am I really that weak becuase of this pitiful human? He questioned in his mind. 

--end of flashback--- 

I guess by tomorrow ill have to make up my own mind on how I feel

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