Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Don't take it personally."

A voice from behind me scared me into a jump. A yell escaped my throat and tripped over my own feet falling closer to the fire. The source of the voice stood over me, casting a tall slim shadow. The black and orange costume seemed all to fitting in the light of the searing red orange flame. If it wasn't for the bold white R on the breastplate, a now familiar name thanks to the papers we'd just read, I would have bolted.

"Well you scare easy," the hero said. His voice was thick and clear, not like the squeak that came from my lips next.

"You scared me," I said trying my best to sound as empowered as he did. I pushed myself to my knee's ignoring the pain in my hands as the gravel dug into my palm.

"Are you saying that it's my fault you're on the floor?" He asked his eyebrows creasing.

"Well," I muttered and I'd be lying if my heart rate didn't pick up at the site of his scowl. Then suddenly it quipped into a smirk and I was more confused than anything.

"You're lucky," said The R, "that this is bringing back memories, or I might just be mad at you. Come on."

He reached down and pulled me up by my arm. I cleared my throat and broke free of his grasp as quickly as I could feeling more and more like an idiot as I dusted the gravel from my jeans. The heat burned at my forehead and I felt the familiar nausea coming over me. Not now, I silently begged. For God sake not now.

I started to tip, my head turning light. The R reached out and caught my arm before I so much as tilted. He steadied me straight and gave a glance over at Dad who was now off the phone and stalking towards us with a worried expression.

"You alright? Don't go fainting on me will you? I really 'aint got the time for it."

I was more than relieved when the dizziness passed and I found my senses flooding back to me. Green eyes bore down at me through a black mask and I nodded to show I was alright. I turned towards the graffiti, the green eyes reminding me of the deep colour, and stared.

"Don't take it personally," The R repeated. "This message isn't for you."

"Then who is it for?"

"Who knows?" He shrugged. "Me? Hell I've got enough enemies for it. Maybe it's just a scare tactic."

"Who did it?"

"Don't know," he said, "but I'm going to pretend that one person hasn't even crossed my mind, because if it is him, we've got more problems that some side switching supers."


"None of your business," he said but his eyes were more sympathetic than his words. "Honestly, it's best not to think about it. Probably some ass hat kids with nothing better to do."

Dad had reached us by now and he couldn't stop staring at the hero that stood before him. They were about the same height but Dad was bulkier, though I imagined it was more pot belly than six pack. The R noticed his attention and his smile brightened a little.

"Hello there," said Dad holding out his hand. "James Newton. And you are?"

"Mystery," The R said shaking Dad's hand. "Can't lose the persona. But R works, it's got punch."

"Nice to meet you," Dad beamed. "This is a new experience. You're going to have to give me a moment."

"You should go," The R warned. "I'll fix this."

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