Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I swung my cape around my back and lifted the hood over my head morphing into Paradox and forcing the brave face that all the other superheroes seemed to have mastered pulling.

"We have to go," I said. "He's going after Robinson."

"Are you kidding?" Lana whispered harshly, aware of the fact that my family were sleeping, the darkness outside was enough to tell. "We can't run in there with you. He'll kill us. Besides George you can't do this alone. You can't face him alone!"

"So don't make me," I said. "I won't have to if your both with me."

"Done," Tim nodded. "What do we do George?"

Lana looked at him dumb found.

"You too?" she hissed. "Your an idiot Tim but you're not stupid. We don't stand a chance if he's called every single member of Equilibrium there tonight."

"Who says he has?" Tim counters. "Besides Lana, these are my friends. I have to help them."

"You don't think I want to?" she glares. "Of course I do! I always want to help but look where that got me." She turned back to me. "George this isn't like Darcy or the boys at school who think their stupid pick up lines stand a chance. This man is dangerous. You can't come you'll get hurt. Me and Tim will go and scope out what's going on and-"

"No!" I said. "It'll waste time. Besides it's no less dangerous for the both of you. In fact the minute you step out of line Patterson is going to turn on you. At least I don't own him any aligence."

"I can't do this," she says her voice turning to a whine of desperation. "I can't run in there as a hero George. I'm not. I'm part of the villain squad here, don't you get it?"

"Then don't," I said. "Play your role as the villain, because we both know that's all it is Lana, a role. Capture me the minute we get there and make sure that you're the one to stop me. That you're the one in control. Then when you're in Patterson's good books again we can work out a way to take him down all the while being right under his nose."

"That's a good plan," Tim echoed.

"No, no it's not. Under his nose! Do you hear yourself?" Lana hissed grabbing for Tim's shoulder. "Tim for God sake talk some sense into him. He'll get killed! Or worse."

Tim grabbed for Lana's hand, clutching it in his own and turning to face her.

"No he won't," Tim said. "Because neither of us are going to let that happen. Besides, he's Paradox. Supers don't get killed."

"Tell that to my father," she all but whimpered, snatching her hand away and glaring in his direction. "I don't need your confidence. I need your sense. The very little that you actually have."

"You like insulting me don't you?" smirked Tim. "Careful or I might think your into me. We can't be doing a Max and Avery now can we?"

Lana snorted while Tim turned her placing both hands on her shoulders.

"Listen to me," he said. "The only way we can assure no one get's hurt is by doing this. You're father may have been a villain Lana, but you're not and you don't have to be a witness to this either. You can be the hero, powers or no powers, that's Avery's motto and she's right. Don't you think George?"

"Right," I nod.

"You're not the only person standing here who's made a mistake," Tim said. "Hell if your a villain then so am I but I've spent the past month trying to prove to George and myself that that's not true and I'm sure as hell not going to let him down now."

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