Chapter Twenty One / Epilogue

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Chapter Twenty One / Epilogue

I cried a little. I thought I was cool with it all but not quite. But it stopped soon enough and I managed to stand silent as I watched the police storm into the building. Mum was clutching at me, her arms wrapped around me, though I couldn't seem to move to hug her back. She wouldn't stop and I didn't want her to.

They had gotten everyone out, starting making arrests and seeing to anyone who had been injured. Paula was fine, if a little bruised, as were Lana, Alex, Max and Philip and the other supers Patterson seemed to have a particular vendetta against. Robinson's was battered, but everyone was out and alive. Everyone except Patterson of course, but I didn't want to think about him.

Avery and Tim were arguing., Max and the others too. Their shouts were echoing. They were trying to understand what I had had much longer to digest.

"Mum," I sighed. "Robinson was wrong. I'm not a hero."

"No," she said firmly, her hold on me tightening. "Robinson was wrong about a lot of things but you being a hero was not one of them. You saved me everyone today George. You bought everyone time and it saved their lives."

"You shot someone," I mumbled. "You wouldn't have been in danger if I hadn't come."

"Maybe," she said, "and it was a stupid decision too, but I'm not going to lie George, they all would have died, I think, had you not come here. You are a hero. A stupid, reckless, little hero."

"Mum," I groaned. "I'm shaking like a leaf. My costume is pathetic and you keep babying me. I am not a hero."

"I don't mean to baby you," she sighed. "It's just you are my baby and most mothers don't have to deal with their children sneaking out to go and save the town."

"Better than drink or drugs or something," I snorted.

"Yes I suppose so," she laughed though it was forced, "but honey in future can we stick to busting the school bully, or the eight year old who's stealing pick-a-mix sweets?"

"How about we build up?" I suggested.



"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," she muttered.

I looked up at her in effect removing her chin from my head.

"Can we go see Robinson?" I asked gently.

"Alright." She nodded.

Robinson was perched on the end of an ambulance bed. A paramedic was still dealing with his injuries but he swatted them away as Mum and I approached.

"George," he said softly. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry. I don't know what I do to earn all these enemies but clearly I'm doing something wrong."

"I don't think so," I said. "I think you're doing something right and that's what people have a problem with."

Robinson gave a small smile and reached out to offer Max, who was standing beside him, a firm squeeze of the hand. Max smiled sadly and both he and Mitchell started towards the others, who still seemed to be fighting.

"Thank you for being so heroic today," Robinson said.

"I wish people would stop patronizing me," I snarled. "I think it's obvious I was very little help."

"Nonsense," said Robinson. "You, Paradox, saved us all and defeated the corrupt cult leader."

"Please," I scoffed.

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