Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Avery sat on the bed in a doctors office with her leg propped up and in a cast. My own arm had been hand had been bandaged up but was in a much better state than Avery's leg which the doctor had said was in fact cleanly broken. Paula, or Boreas had left us when she knew we were in the doctor's care. She couldn't after all risk revealing her true identity to anyone else. All that was left then was for explanations. Mine to Avery and Avery to me. Surprisingly mine had been a much faster explanation. 

"You can't tell my mother about this," I said quickly. "She'll never let me leave the house again! And Dad will back her up to." 

"I won't," she said. "It's alright. I just didn't realise...I mean I shouldn've seen it coming. You're pretty smart George."

I let out a mumble as my cheeks flushed and then turned on her with a quirked brow. 

"What were you doing there Avery?"

"I was trying to prove Max innocent," she sighed looking away, almost ashamed. "I've been going to the vandalized sites hoping there's some kind of clue to who's really been doing it. I was doing that exact thing tonight but then I saw that girl and I followed her. You know what happened from there."

A booming voice sounded from the other side of the closed door and Avery sat up a little straighter. 

"Does it look like I care?" Max growled. "I get a call to say my girlfriend and my friend were attacked tonight and ended up in A and E. I'm going in to see them." 

"Only family can collect her. Her father has been called."

"I'm her boyfriend," Max said. "I am her family. And her father isn't here yet so do me a favour and let me in."

"Calm down." 

"I'm sorry," he heaved. "But you have to understand, in this town..."

The nurse heaved an audible sigh and then the door clicked open and Max's tall frame was revealed. 

"Avery!" He hurried in and the nurse shut the door behind him. The look across his face was something between fury and relief. "You idiot! You stupid idiot. What were you doing there?!" 

Avery pushed out of his hug and insisted that there was no need for fussing. 

"Stop being an asshole," she scowled. "My leg is broken and you're insulting me."

"I can't believe you," he said. "What the hell were you doing Avery? I told you to be careful. I told you to stop putting yourself in danger."

"I was trying to help," she glared. "I wasn't trying to get in trouble. In fact it was the exact opposite. I was trying to get you out of it."

"Why on earth would you think that's a good idea?" He scowled. 

"Because you told me to stop letting everyone else come to my rescue!" She yelled exasperatedly. "Because I was so sick of being the one you had to come and save. I thought it was about time I rescued you!"

Max's face turned from anger and fear to something soft and guilty. He shook his head and forced Avery back into a more gentle hug. All of a sudden I felt like I was invading a private moment and I considered slipping out, but there was no way of me doing that without causing a ruckus and disturbing their moment. 

Max bent down and captured Avery in a kiss, long and hard his hand cradling her cheek. I blushed and averted my gaze as Max pulled away and placed his forehead to Avery's. 

"Listen," he said his voice strained and cheeks flushing. "You remember how I was last year before you right? I was...I was lonely and scared and just looking for an excuse to hate everything and everyone in the world. I was isolated and depressed and more often than not just plain rude."

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