The New Amy

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The reason why I am changing Amy is because my friend thinks it's not a good character, so I have to change it and I couldn't say no to her because she's my Close friend, So Yeah......But If you want to use the original character, it's fine with me ok on to the character!

Creepypasta Name: Forgotten Demise
Real Name:Amelia Kathleen Demise
Nick Name:Amy
Likes:OREO,music,singing,dancing,killing(Not for fun but because she wants people to feel the pain she felt when she was abandoned)
Dislikes:Perverts, pink, bright colors,liars, traitors
Weapons:Ice Hatchet, Fire Scythe and Bow and Arrow (I know what you're thinking ,well, not really but your probably thinking that these weapons are too many well remember the fox from Chapter 1? The fox holds the ice hatchet and fire scythe)
How she kills:
Ice Hatchet-When she hits a person with the ice hatchet they will become ice statues and she kicks them so the statue will break and the person will die.
Fire Scythe-If she hits a person with the fire scythe the person will burn and burst into flames.
Bow And Arrow-The bow can shoot 5 arrows at one time as for the arrows they have poison (Arsenic The Picture Is There)in them which can kill people.(mostly when she shoots her arrows it's a head shot).
Catchphrase:It's Time To Meet Your Demise

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