Ebony & Adelaide

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I could hear a doctors voice as I woke up which I wasn't expecting.Also I wasn't expecting Michael to be staring at me.

"How long was I asleep?"
"About half an hour your parents and Luke are here and the doctor."
"Oh."I turned around and mum and dad where stood in the corner with the doctor and Luke on my bed.

"How you feeling?"Luke asked when I looked over to him.
"She's a bitch."
"A very big bitch.Im getting stuffy in here can we go for a walk?"
"You can't walk."Michael stated and kissed my cheek.
"That's what a wheel chairs for babe."
"I'll ask the doctor" Luke said walking over to him.

I could here the full conversation but only cared if I could go get some air.As soon as I heard the yes Michael went to get me a wheel chair and Luke gave me his jacket.

"Wouldn't want dad seeing that."Luke said pointing at the purple bruise on my collar bone.
"Thanks Lukey."

After the doctor had informed us that my head was just bruised and cut Michael, Luke and I went for a wander around the hospital.

Luke decide that he'd take me to the coffee shop.Michael was pushing me though and decided to run down the corridor.

"Michael your gonna crash, your gonna fucking crash.Slow down Mikey there's people there."I giggled as he kept making me do wheelies.Seriously I shouldn't have let him push me.

"I can't baby."he said pulling back and stopping before we crashed into two girls.

"I'm so so sorry about him he couldn't slow down I'm sorry."I mumbled to the girls and both of them where smiling.
"It's okay honestly."the older looking one said and smiled at me.

The one that seemed younger wasn't looking at me she was staring at someone behind me, most probably Luke( it better be Luke.)

"I don't mind maybe your friend could make it up to me."
"My friend?"
"The cute one with blonde hair and blue eyes."
"He's not my friend and not cute he's my brother Luke."
"Oh I'm Adelaide this is Ebony my older sister."
"I'm Katie the one with purple hair is my boyfriend Michael.And my older brother Luke."

Both of them smiled and Ebony looked down at me on my wheelchair.
"If you guys where heading down to the coffee shop we could join you if you don't mind."
"Of corse."Luke said and I looked up to see him smirking at Adelaide.

Glaring at him before he laughed I turned back around facing forward.
Michael leaned down to whisper in my ear.
"I love you babe."
"I love you too Mikey."

Once we got to the Starbucks inside the hospital Luke made a space at the table for me beside him and Michael whilst Michael got us some drinks.

"Isn't that Michael's?"Luke asked pointing to the baggy Tshirt I modelled.
"Yep mine wouldn't go over my head."
"Hmmm corse it wouldn't."Luke raised his eyebrows at me and I laughed turning to talk to Ebony as Luke was occupied with Adelaide (who wanted us to call her Addy!)

"So Ebony tell me about yourself."
"Addy is my only sister we live with our mum and dog.Im 19 and very very single."
"Very very single?"
"I haven't dated for three years.Neither has Addy but I guess your brothers an exception."
"Yeh he is."I laughed and smiled at Michael as he walked to me pulling weird faces.

"Your a goof ball."
"But you love me."
"I do"

Michael reached with his still cold hands to give me my drink and kissed me in the process.
"Mikey when can I go home?"
"Tomorrow I think you have to stay in tonight."
"Will you stay with me?"
"Am I allowed to?"
"If I say so and I want you to stay."
"Fine then babe I'll stay for you."he nuzzles his hair into my neck making me giggle.

"You guys are so cute how long have you been dating?"
"Since the weekend." Michael smiled and kissed my head.

"Does he have any cute friends?"Ebony asked me trying to make sure Michael didn't hear.
"Hmm there in a band."
"Drummers are hot as fuck."
"Well then Mikey show ebony a picture of the band but room in on Ash."
"She thinks drummers are hot and they're both single."
"Errrrm okay Katie."

My boyfriend pulled out his phone and found a picture of the guys and cropped it to Ashton.
"Holy fuck."
"I can call him if you want?"Michael asked smirking.

"Don't you dare!"
"Mikey don't I'll give her him number."
Sliding my phone over to her she smiled and added Ashton's number to her phone and mine.

"We should get going back I need pain killers."I told Michael closing my eyes for a moment to try and dull the pain.

"Okay babe.It was nice meeting you."Michael said nervously standing up and taking the brakes if my chair nudging Luke to come with us.

"I'll catch up."He said and I laughed at my brother who was annoyed with us disturbing his flirting.

A hand was resting on my shoulder so I reached up to hold hi hand and played with the ring on his thumb.
While I was I started to doze if asleep.

Slowly waking up from my sleep I felt arms wrapped around me tight.Opening my eyes I could see Michael's green eyes glued to me and it made me smile.

"Where's my parents and Luke?"
"They went home Luke didn't come back from the coffee shop."
"Oh"I giggled and leaned more into Michael's chest.

"Go back to sleep baby."
"Goodnight Mikey."

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now