Helping Luke

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Luke made me sit in the bar with him as he spotted two girls going into his old room and he found one of them fit.

"Luke which one is it again?"
"The brunette with blue eyes."
"She's cute but can I go see Mikey now?"
"I haven't spoke to her yet though and I need you here for support."
"Then I'm calling Michael to come down."

Getting up I walked to the quiet part of the bar and called Mikey and he answered straight away.
"Hey babe."
"Can you come down here babe I'm bored?Lukes trying to get with this girl and he hasn't even spoke to her."
"Oh okay let me just get dressed I'll be down soon."

The phone went silent and I turned around to see the red haired girl that was with the one who Luke was crushing on.

"I'm sorry to ask but can I use your phone?I left mine upstairs and its to far.I just want to call my mum."
"Sure, your friend my brothers trying to work up the courage to talk to her.Is she single cause I don't want him to take a hard blow."
"Yeh she's the most awkward person ever.Wait is he the guy with the blonde hair and the lip ring."

Nodding she smiled as I handed her my phone so she could call who ever.

When she was finished I spotted Mike coming out of the lift so decided to wait for him.He looked so fucking hot in his SnapBack.

"Hi beautiful."he said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my head.
"Mikey can you please get Luke to talk to the girl."
"I'll try my best babe."
"I will too."the red hair smiled walking back to her friend.

Michael took my hand tightly as we walked back to Luke who was smiling like he had just won the lottery.
"She keeps looking at me and oh my god you where talking to her friend."
"Yes Luke, now hurry the fuck up before they leave."
"What?They're leaving."
"Maybe Luke bro just go for it i am sure she likes you.If I got your sister you can get her."
Blushing I leaned into Michael's shoulder while Luke eventually got up to talk to her.

Michael started playing with my hand while I ran my finger over his thumb tattoo.
"Did it hurt?"
"A little why?"
"I want a tattoo on my finger."
"Maybe while we're on your we could have a look.Your mum would probably kill me though."
"Yeh bad idea."

Michael got up to go get us some drink from the bar and Luke walked over to him.My brother whispered something in his ear while he had his arm around the brunette girls waist.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned around too see the red haired girl.
"Sorry to bother you but he won't just fuck her and never speak will he?By the way I'm Lila."
"Katie, I hope he doesn't intend too but we are on tour."
"Luke and Michael's band I came along too."
"Oh my god that's so cool.Let me just go get my jacket from our table and I'll be right back.Is that okay?"

Michael came back just as Lila did and she sat the opposite side to me.
Mike handed me my drink and it made him laugh as I downed half of it.

"So what kind of music do you guys play?"
"Pop rock or pop punk what ever you want to call it.We have a show tomorrow night you should come.Lukes probably going to invite your friend and I think my baby will need some company."
"I'm not a baby Michael."
"I'm older than you."

Lila laughed at us and I turned around too see she couldn't stop.
"How old are you Lila?"
"20 I'm the older sister Penny's 18 though."
"The one who went with my brother?Your sisters?"
"Yes and yes."
"I've always wanted a sister."


We went on talking for another around two hours and Michael got tired and started to fall asleep on me.
"Your next door I think why don't you walk up with us?"I asked Lila while yawning.
"Sure...Shit they better not be in our room."
"Luke has a double room don't worry."
"Thank god."she blushed before walking into her room.

Michael smirked at me and pulled me into him by the hips and left kisses down my neck as he opened the door then closed it by pushing me against it.

"I've needed you all day baby, then Luke and your new friend stole you.Katie please let me."he whispered and it sent shivers down my neck.
"Your not really tired are you?"
"Depends if that changes anything."
"Well if your tired then you can't do much so i would have to do all the work."Michael's smirk grew wider and I rolled my eyes as he was already sat in his boxers and t-shirt on.Ready to undress me.

Somehow I had ended up straddling Michael but both of us still in our underwear.Deciding to tease him a little I un-clipped my bra but left it on.
"Katie do something before I flip you over and fuck you till you can't walk."

His words stilled me for a moment and I blocked the lump in my throat.
"Please let me do this."I begged him batting my eye lashes and leaning down to kiss him, my bra falling off in the process so Michael pulled it down my arms.

Just as he was about to sit up there was a knock on the door.
"GUYS ITS ME CAN I COME IN?"Calum shouted and Michael almost told him no but I stopped him.
"Yeh two seconds."slipping on some pyjama shorts an Michael's shirt I passed him his sweatpants and Calum came in the room smiling.

"I didn't interrupt in the middle of... Did I?"
"Kind of mate."Michael said as I leaned into his chest under the covers, his arm going around my shoulder.

"Oh sorry I just wanted to let you know Denise called.She has the baby scan we're having a girl."
"Oh my god a mini D."I giggled excited sitting up to hug Calum.

He held up his phone to show us the picture of their scan and I couldn't help but stare and take in the features of their little baby.
"Calum she has your nose."
"I know K Cara is going to be beautiful."
"You decided?"
"Of corse we did.Now I'll leave you two too it, have fun."


After Calum left I snuggled under the cover and pulled Michael's arm around my waist as I was now sleepy.
"I'm sorry bub I'm exhausted I didn't get to nap for long."
"It's okay Katie but it's easy for you.My problems a little more obvious."
"Sort it out yourself.You did earlier."smirking at him he rolled his eyes as I kissed his cheek goodnight.

"I love you Clifford."
"I love you too Katie."

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now