Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Hawaii, one of the most beautiful islands I've ever seen, white beaches, blue-green ocean, name it, it's all in here. A pure creation of God's mighty hand. Our resort may not be beautiful as this one, but I can say it's more peaceful in ours. Many foreigners chose this place for vacation, and I am one of them. It's maybe because of the friendly faces that will welcome you in this place. Who would have thought I would end up here because of Vince? Thanks for him 'coz he made this day possible. My room was located on the far end of the hotel; the name is so weird for my ears. I wonder how the owner came up with this name. EUNI'Q HOTEL AND RESORT. Isn't it weird? I might think that the owner's name sounds like Vince' pet name for me. Well, anyways I love the place; it's kind of cute and comfy. Just like any other ordinary home with a little bit of class considering the latest technologies installed in my room, and it's accessible to the nearest mall, night markets, and clubs were like mushrooms in the area and lots of cozy restaurants. I guess I'm going to enjoy this place.

Late afternoon when I watched over the window, gladly it faces the sea. I saw several people walking along the beach and under some coconut trees; the sun's going to set soon. Perfect time for me to go out and enjoy the view. I grabbed my luggage and looked for my summer dress in white color with a halter strap and flowery designs and slipped on my newly bought flip-flops and hat. I let my hair loose and wear my sunglasses, grabbed my bag and walked out of my room. As I walked toward the beach, I can still feel the heat though not that it really hurt my skin. How I missed being free like this, roaming along with other people not bothering if they're staring and taking pictures of me. Well, some of the passersby were looking at me, maybe thinking why I looked familiar, but I made sure not to look too flashy and just occasionally raise my head while walking. I'm not the only celebrity in town, I'm sure of that. Hope they will just think I'm just a normal vacationer trying to have a summer getaway in this beautiful place.

After walking for almost ten minutes, I found an empty beach chair near a coconut tree. I sat down and tried to relax my feet and drank my buco juice that I bought from the refreshments area of the hotel. It made me relax staying in this place knowing that the hotel's management accepting only limited guests. Maybe they wanted to make the place more serene and relaxing for the guests, not like any other hotels and resorts. It's really nice for them to think about it. I should thank Beth for making the reservation here. I opened my bag and fished out my IPad, plugged my head phones, searched for my music player and hit my playlist. Wow, I can stay lying here for a day just watching the sea and the sky while listening to my favorite songs. Von will love this place for sure. I'm wondering what he's doing now with his grandma.

I didn't notice that I fell asleep and woke up with my sunglasses still on. It's past 6 PM; it's already dark though there are lamp posts surrounding the area. I took my sunglasses off and stood up, stretched my limbs and started to collect my things and put it in my bag. I'm just too glad that this area is fully secured. I have to go back to the hotel now, I'm starving. I just had a sandwich earlier before I headed to the beach. My stomach's really grumbling. I started to walk and went straight to the hotel's back entrance, as I remember the restaurant is located in the left side if you're from the beach. I'll just eat first before going back to my room. As I reached the entrance, I saw some hotel staffs lining up in the front area that is facing the main road. Maybe they're expecting a VIP. I tried not to look at them while heading to the resto, but just as I was about to go left, I saw him.

Climbing down from the car, Vince was welcomed by the hotel staffs, as if he's the most special person in the world. I didn't know he was this famous in this place that the whole hotel was on his feet.

Why does he have to be here? Of all places, why here?

I can't believe it. Before he sees me, I hurriedly went inside the resto and almost hit the door. Luckily, the door man opened it as I rushed in.

Oh my, I need air.

The waiter approached me and led me to the farthest table; he pulled the chair for me to sit on. He gave me the menu and waited for my order, as I checked the menu, I can't help myself to think about Vince. He's just outside. Gosh! I don't think I can eat right now. I need to go back to my room.

"Uhm, can you just bring my order to my room. I'll just wait for it there." I said to him.

"Yes, Ms. Sanders. Kindly write down your room number here." He said smiling, giving me a piece of paper and a ballpen. Well, so much for hiding, I forgot everything about it when I entered the resto. Clearly, he knew me. I wrote down my room number and gave him my order.

"Thanks, uhm, can I ask you something?" I need to ask him about Vince.

"Sure, Ms. Sanders." He answered.

"Do you know that person out there, the one who just arrived?" I pointed Vince outside, we can see him from the resto; guess it's a one-way kind of glass they used in here. You can see the people outside, but they can't see the people inside. Nice, coz it really helped me a lot tonight.

"It's Mr. Vince Dawson. He's one of the owners of the hotel." He said.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled at him.

Wow! I don't know what to say, I can't believe he owns this hotel. I never knew Vince could be this business minded. It's a far cry from the Vince that I've known before who was never serious about life. That explains the very warm welcome he got from the hotel staffs. He is their boss and I am staying in his hotel. Isn't it ironic? I flew miles away from him, and here I am ended up on the lion's lair. Great. "Beth!" I shouted inside my mind. What now? Do I need to pack up and find another place for me to hide? G.r.r.r.r. I don't think it's a good idea. I guess I can't easily slip away from him. Maybe it's time for me to face him. But wait, the hotel's a big place; I don't think he'll stay here for a long time. Maybe he's just here for business and he will fly away again. Yeah, right. I'll just stay in my room and read some of my newly downloaded ebooks. And maybe he doesn't know that I'm staying here, so I'll just have to stay put and stay away from his sight. I don't think he'll bother to check who's on the guest list, right?

"Ok, Eunice. Take a deep breath and relax. It's not the end of the world. You can do it!" And now, I'm even talking to myself. Don't you think he makes me crazy?

Waaah! I hate you Vince.

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