Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Hey! Are you sure about this?"

He heard Beth asking Eunice for the nth time since the other woman arrived at the condo.  They are getting ready for their picnic at the central park. The two women were busy talking about their trip. He can't help himself from smiling. He knows that Eunice was worried about the idea of them going out and the possibility of them to be the center of attention if anyone notices her. He nearly thought that she won't say yes last night.  It was just a test actually, he just wanted to know if she is really willing to go out in public with them.

"Guess I'll be fine, Beth." He heard Eunice say.

"I already informed Joe about this and for sure, he will be sending some people to back you up if something might happen." Said Beth.

"There's no need to do that." He said, not being able to stop himself from talking.

Both women looked at his direction. He just shrugged his shoulders and was about to explain himself but a small voice came from behind him.

"Let's go, Dad!" That was Von, excitement visibly shown on his face while carrying his little backpack loaded with who-knows-what items. He just realized then how his son got that trait. It's definitely from Eunice. He turned to her and saw the love in her eyes while looking at their son.

He remembered back then whenever they planned for a small trip, Eunice would almost bring everything. You would even think that she will be away for a year with her luggage on tow and a large backpack on her back including the handbag that she would always carry every time they went out. He would always tease her then and she would just roll her eyes at him.  Memories vanished when he felt his son tugging his shirt.

"Yeah, sure son! We'll just follow you downstairs, okay?" Eunice answered before he could speak up. He looked at her again then saw the knowing look on her face. She is waiting for his explanation. Von left them with hesitation yet still followed what his mom said.

"Well now, Mr. Dawson?" She slowly asked when he did not respond to her.

"I...I just don't think that it's not a good idea."

"And why not?"

"Well, having them around might rise suspicions to other people." And I know that you won't like it. He silently said to himself. He just don't want for this day to end bad if he is going to argue with her.


"So...I'm suggesting that it's better for us to just stay low there without any bodyguards on tow and just enjoy the moment with Von." He said directly to her. Eunice took her eyes from him and face Beth instead.

"Just tell Joe that we will be fine. I'm pretty sure no one can recognize me with this." Eunice said pointing to her shirt with a big MOM print and a tiger headdress over her head with matching sunglasses. It's actually identical with his and Von's. He just learned that his son loves tigers when they shopped online earlier for a possible costume that they can wear for today's trip. His son requested for it so even if he doesn't want to wear something like it, he doesn't have a choice.  Spoiler! A small part in his mind told him.

"If that is what you want then, I have no question with that. All we want is your safety, Eunice.  The fans can sometimes be harsh, you know. They will grab you and hug you whenever they have the chance." Beth said sternly.

"Don't worry about it, Beth. I can protect her." He hastily said.


"It's okay, Beth. We will just call you." Eunice said trying to let her friend realize that no one can say no to his decision. After a few moments of staring to each other, Beth gave up.

"Fine! It's up to you, Vince. She is yours now so you better take care of her." The other woman told him.

"You have my word, Ms. Davis. And thank you for your concern." He knows how Beth loves Eunice, he can see it through her actions. The two women are like sisters, and he knows how Eunice wanted to have one back then. He is just glad that there are people like Beth who treasures Eunice like he does. A simple thank you isn't enough for everything they, including Joe have done for his family.

Yes, his family, and it is going to be happening soon. And he can't wait for that day when they are going to be officially husband and wife with Von on their side.  These people were the one's who helped Eunice to reached where she is right now. He is trying to forget about Ian who admitted to him about the fake relationship with Eunice at his hotel during their last conversation. He actually sensed it back then, Ian is definitely not Eunice's type. He is quite sure of that, but he was actually grateful to Ian for helping Eunice that time and keeping her company.

"Let's go." Eunice said taking the first step towards the elevator.  He followed her while Beth stayed.

"Thank you." He blurted out after a few moments inside the elevator while watching her face on the mirrored wall.

"For what?" She asked.

"For saying yes today."

"I'm doing this for my son so there's no need for you to be grateful." She said in a clipped tone. Guess she's not that happy about this trip after all.

He decided not to further their conversation because he sensed that she is definitely not in the mood right now or maybe because they are just the ones who are inside the elevator.  Silence fell between them. He could almost hear her heart beat, frantically beating just like his. 

Being with her at this moment in this small space makes him think of something else. He started to feel hot with what he is wearing, sweat slowly making its way down his brow line. He can feel the heat coming from within him sending a message of longing to his brain. The kind of longing that was with him since the day that she left him. How he missed this woman beside him! Five long achy years yet he still wants to congratulate himself for being able to take his control whenever she's around. But he doesn't think if he can still do it now. He saw her looking at him from the mirror but when he turned to her, she abruptly took her eyes from him.  Does she feel it too?

When he was about to face her, the elevator came to a stop and opened in front of them. Better luck next time, Vince! He silently told himself.

Eunice took the first step out then he followed suit.  He looked at her walking towards the waiting car. Von's already inside it together with one of the bodyguards. The man immediately got off the driver's seat when he saw them approaching. 

Before Eunice could open the car door, he reached the handle and accidentally touched her hand.  They looked at each other for a moment then she felt her hand moving away under his and letting him open the door. She instantly get inside the car but never missed the uneasiness in her face. Knowing it, he can't help to hide his smile. He still has this effect on her after all.  Just get it on, Vince. There's still hope for the both of you.

A/N: Hi, guys!!! Sorry for the late update. Finally, I'm getting my vacation right now.  So expect more updates in the coming days. Thank you for patiently waiting and reading this story.  If not for all of your messages & votes, this story won't be possible. Thank you again and have a very merry Christmas! God bless you, people.

Love lots,
charmedjanz ❤

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