xOnly If For A Nightx

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Kira dressed me in clothes relative to the ones I wore to my familie's funeral. It was New Year's Eve, and instead of drinking beer in the living room with my so called family and watching the ball drop on television, I was on my way to a trial that may or may not result in the freedom of a murderer.

The judge had agreed to move the trial to London, so we wouldn't have to go to Ireland during the holidays. I should've been thankful, but in all honesty, I felt as I would pass out. "I can't do this," I whispered to Kira, swallowing hard as she zipped up the back.

"As a wise man once said, 'You can do it, yes you can.'"

I groaned. "Now is not the time for Bob The Builder, Kira." She chuckled, tossing me a pair of flats.

"You want to look as sweet and innocent as possible for the judge. Nobody wants to give power to a whore."

I nodded, slipping on the shoes and glancing at myself in the mirror. The dress Kira gave me stopped short of my knees, the smooth onyx not skin tight but not too loose. It tightened at my waist and opened up again at my chest, the straps the width of two of my fingers. It fit perfectly, which was strange because Kira was so much taller than me.

"I wear that clubbing," She explained airily. "That goes up to my thigh."

Not saying anything, I ran a hand through my pale blonde hair and pinned it up behind my head into a loose bun. Luna peeked her head in the doorway, sending us a small smile. She wore a red Santa hat, a bottle of half-drunk wine in her hands.

"Good luck, sweetie," she hiccuped. "We'll all be here waiting for you guys to get-" She let out another hiccup, holding her chest to stop. "Back. But remember, whatever happens, I love you."

A car horn beeped, and I rolled my eyes. Gabriel had a tendency lately to just beep his horn when he was outside instead of greeting Luna and whoever else was inside. They had gone cold on each other for some reason, and nobody would tell me why.

"That's Gabriel," I muttered, smiling tightly at Kira. "I'll be back at midnight."

She nodded. "Good luck, babe," She pecked my cheek, and pushed me into Luna's embrace. Sam, also drunk and wearing a Santa hat, tried to give me a hug which I blatantly refused. I pulled on a coat, zipping it up tightly and putting my hands in my pockets to stop the cold December air from seeping through my clothes.

His car, a usual struggle to get into, was heated and warmed me immediately. I tried not to check him out the entire ride there because of how he must be feeling, but it was almost impossible not to. I'd never seen him in a suit before, and in all honesty, I wanted to super glue it onto him for the rest of his life.

"Like what you see?" His attempt at flirting was weak, as he was visibly shaking and there was only a ghost of a smile on his paled face.

I stayed silent, swallowing and reaching over to grip his hand. That was a huge improvement for me in the relationship department, as I never, ever made the first move. But Gabriel was different, it seemed. It was a natural move for me now to touch him somehow; if only on the arm or his fingertips, it didn't matter.

I was addicted to his touch, that was for sure. "It's okay," he murmured. "I'm okay."

I shook my head. "Alright. . ." I muttered, not even hiding the fact I didn't believe him, and looked out the window as we drove into the court house.

It was packed, which was strange. All the defenders or offenders would be in Ireland, right? There was no way they'd come all the way to London just to see this trial, would they?

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