Chapter 9

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Emma stayed in her house for days until the loneliness was too much to bear. She went back to her parents apartment and they welcomed her with open arms.
"Mom, dad. Will I ever get my happy ending?" she asked. She was aware that she sounded like a little kid asking why the sky was blue, but she didn't care. Her parents answered nonetheless.
"Well Emma, here's the thing about happy endings. They don't last forever. If you truly believe that Killian was your true love, then you have to focus on the good times." David said.
"I know it hurts now, honey, but it gets better. I promise." Mary Margaret added.
Emma knew an empty promise when she heard one. But this was not one. She knew deep in her heart that one day she would be healed.
She had never gotten to know her parents as a kid, but that doesn't mean that they weren't amazing parents. She slept next to them in their apartment that night, like a little girl.

Zelena had come back to Storybrooke with Emma and her family. The second she stepped off the ferry she rushed to her child and explained to Regina and Robin how their child was in danger. Dorothy was now a threat.
Regina and Robin took this into consideration and knew something had to be done. But that was a problem for another day.

When Rumple came back to Belle she revealed that she was pregnant. She had also found the dagger. Belle ended up leaving Storybrooke and raising the baby in New York. No one heard from her after that
Meanwhile, Rumple lived a long painful life knowing that he had let his true love and child skip through his fingers.

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