Chapter 14: Embracing the inner bitch

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"Thank you." We were now in my room again. I couldn't think of anything else to say to him. I was very grateful that he made me feel like a normal person and not a broken one.

"You need to stop thanking me, beautiful." He had his infectious-killer kind of smile. And right on cue, I blushed like crazy. It was the first time he called me that. I felt the heat in my whole face and then a little on the neck. With that I saw that his smile became a lot bigger that I have ever seen. I feel so embarrassed.

After a comfortable silence, Drake's smile faded, and he frowned. "I should get going." With that, he turned and went for the balcony door.

I felt an urge that blossomed in me and I wondered if I should go for it. Before I even knew it, my lips were moving on their own accord. "Drake"

He turned to look at me. His face portrayed curiousness. I went up to him and hugged him. It took him a while when he circled one of his arms around my waist. He let out a little laugh and got close to my ear. "I said to stop thanking me, but I definitely won't complain about this." And his cocky self has returned.

"You really know how to ruin the moment." I tried for the stern look but clearly anyone could see that I was joking. Seriously girl, you need to chill before you scare him off with your weird smile.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah, okay. Well I'll see you around?"

"Sure thing, princesa." He winked at me and left, and like before, he jumped out the balcony with ease.

Five minutes after he left I heard one of my brother's car as they parked in the garage. Now that was close. I took a deep breath and gathered my pj's and went to take a shower.

While showering, I couldn't help but think how sweet Drake was today. My mind would always mess up everything and sent me an awful thought. What if he did this as a form of pity?


"Well somebody's clearly on a good mood," Tori said with an knowing smirk. My friends and I were now sitting at the cafeteria eating our lunch.

"Yeah Emily. Did those pretty panties of yours stay put yesterday?" Mason questioned, obviously joining the dark side. I hope he chokes with the cookies.

"First of all, shut up and second of all, how the hell do you know my panties are pretty?" I asked suspiciously.

"We are getting a little touchy there, aren't we?" Mason kept bugging me.

"Nah, just thinking." I shrugged. I was not going to let him get to me. I know his game.

"About?" He had a smug look thinking that I was going to tell him what was on my mind.

"If I bitch slap you, would you scream like a girl?" Now it was my time to wear the smug look.

"It was one time!" Mason shouted gaining some attention from our fellow students in a five meter range.

"Chill...unless you want to embrace your inner bitch." I raised an eyebrow. Tori almost chocked with her water but that didn't stopped her from laughing. Mason pouted in defeat and reluctantly began eating his lunch.

I was laughing along with Tori, but soon that laugh faltered when I remember what's been bugging me since this morning.

Drake did not come to school today.

A little voice began to tell me that maybe he was avoiding me. But I shut it out quickly; it's too early to be making assumptions. Still, I couldn't avoid wondering, why was he absent today? or is he really avoiding me? Then the most important question came...why?

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