Chapter 24: Sleeping with the bad boy

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Sh*t! I can't see!

"Open your eyes Em, you're missing the best!" Mason said somewhere near me. I wouldn't be able to say where since I've been covering my eyes when this bloodbath began. Somewhere close to me I could hear Drake laughing at me. Dumbass.

I jumped when I felt hands around my waist that pulled me back to a very familiar tone chest. I felt that my hair was pushed to the side and his breathing was near my ear. "You look sexy when you're scared." Drake whispered in my ear.

"Lord, don't tell me you are turned on in the middle of this bloodbath that you call fight!" I yelled just to make sure I could be heard through all this yelling. His chest was vibrating, which I could only assume would be him laughing at me again.

"Emily, I don't know what you are so scared about." Drake said sounding amused.

"Really? Daniel is getting beaten in full display. I-I can't watch..." Poor Daniel is fighting a guy who's like five times bigger in the muscle area and trust me when I say that Daniel is well built.

It's almost midnight and like I said before we are currently where Drake fights watching Daniel fighting who I think is the best impersonator of Hulk I've ever seen. Tori, Mason and Brad were cheering him on like they've known him for years. Even thought they have only met a few minutes ago.

"Babe, Daniel's not getting beaten. Trust me, look." He took both of my hands out of my eyes and I cringe when I saw that the Hulk was throwing a punch to Daniel's face. He dodged it quickly and connected his fist with the dude's jaw. That made him lose his balance and Daniel took that as an opportunity to throw some punches to his face. Let me tell you, I think the guy's going to need surgery to rearrange his face back to normal. Daniel was so fast that it took me by surprise when out of nowhere he knocked the guy. Good think he was unconscious or else he would be on a hell of a pain.

Daniel began to hit his chest like some wild ape in celebration. The people who bet on him were jumping and screaming like they have won the lottery. What really called my attention was Mason, who was being his usual self by screaming like a girl jumping up and down.

"You bet on him, didn't ya?" I asked him kind of amused, all nervousness from before gone.

"F*ck yeah!" Now if my victory dance ain't pretty, his was probably the worst, sight damage and all.

After laughing for a while, we went to eat something cheap and health threatening. Not the smartest thing to do at 2am in the morning, but oh well. Mason was in the mood of paying for everyone since he won a couple of bucks tonight so, who am I to pass that offer?

I felt a tap on my leg. I turned to look at Tori who was subtly pointing her head towards a group of slutty girls on a couple of tables from us. They were clearly checking Drake out. I smirked at her, then towards the girls who were giving me bitchy stares. I got close to Drake's ear, whose arm was around my shoulder, and whispered, "You're right. It would be sexy to see you only in your fighting boxers." He smirked and repeated my action and whispered, "You know you can see them anytime. By the way, if you are trying to make those girls jealous you just have to ask." With that he leaned and kissed my neck slowly and traced his lips along my neck until he reached my ear and bit it softly.

It felt hard to breathe. I had to gulp trying to swallow the moan that was trying to escape. Drake turned to look at me and I bit my lip. His eyes portrayed something that was beginning to feel less scary and more desirable, lust. He got close to my ear, "stay with me tonight." Thank the Lord that I was sitting, or I would have fallen due to my treasonous legs. It was amazing what could his simple request do to my body.

"" Oh brain of what use are you in times of need.

"Please" His eyes were expectant. "You know you can trust me."

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