Chapter Two

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"Dont forget underwear, that would be really bad" my mom said to me from the other room. I went to my closet and grabbed a handful of Hanes and Victoria's Secret underwear and stuffed them into my duffel bag along with some socks.

  I was leaving tomorrow and I was doing last minute packing I had pretty much everything I needed except for makeup and my toothbrush and deoderant- stuff I would need for tomorrow morning.

"Okay... I think I finished!" I said happily, clapping my hands and zipping my suitcase. Just then my two year old yorkshire terrier, Barkley ran into my room wagging his tail and planting his little tush right in front of me. Crap.

"Okay, fine. I forgot to pack your stuff Barkley! This should only take a minute." I grabbed a smaller duffel bag from my closet and put two of his favorite toys, his dog bed, his "blankey" and his food inside. Then I went in my closet and took his little outfits off the rack.

 Barkleys pretty funny. He does the craziest things, and is always so happy. He protects me like a girlfriend, and I kind of like that. Someone to watch out for me. I knew when I got accepted into Mizzou there was no way I was leaving my prized posession behind. I called and they said there are a few dorm rooms that allow pets. I took one of those.

 "Okay. All set, Bark. Wanna go for a run?"


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