Two are weeks are over.

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Suga's POV

Two weeks were over and it was time to say bye to my best friend.
"Call me if there's any news! Make sure you take tons of pictures too!" _____ said hugging both of us tightly.
"We will! Bye Unnie!" Minji hugged her the tightest.
"Bye Minji~ Bye Suga! We'll meet next time and keep in contact!" She waved, looping her arm around Jimin's.

They went through the gates and just like that. I won't see her for a very long time.
"I miss Unnie already." Minji said on the way home.
"I'm really glad you and _____ became close in such a short moment." I smiled.


Your POV

"Jimin oppa..." I looked down at my feet as we waited for our plane, my head resting on my cousin's shoulder, "I'm too late."

The moment I arrived the airport... First day...

I should've taken my pills before getting on board of the plane. Sigh... I don't want to look depressed in front of Suga.

I thought as I saw Suga lost in thoughts at the airport.

I've changed a lot. I was no longer bubbly or happy ever since he told me about Minji and him getting married. I was just too late.

Minji's a nice girl, it made sense why Suga feel in love with her. Not me, why would I even hope that he would love me back? It was simply impossible. Just best friends. And forever will be.

That night itself, I quickly took my pills so that my depression wouldn't be so hard the next day. I need to look happy in front of them.

After a week of staying with them...

I made up a fake story of Jimin and I being together. He was just my cousin which thankfully doesn't look like me. Sigh... He understood the situation I was in and agreed to pretend to be my boyfriend.

"Why did you even agree to coming for their wedding if you're going to be heartbroken?!" He said in a different language which wasn't Korean and one I could communicate with him.
"He's my best friend. He will know something's wrong if I don't make it."

I was glad Jimin came, we stayed in his room. Yes, it was selfish of me to hope silently that Suga would change his mind. But I knew he wouldn't. I couldn't bear to see them smile and kiss at home. So I stayed with Jimin. Being depressed as usual.

The wedding night, after we finished our performance and Mr.Kim came up to perform...

"Thanks for telling them a totally different meaning Namjoon." I thanked him.
"Don't mention it. Say, why not hang out with us? Jungkook, and the others? I understand that you're hurting a lot from seeing those two. Your classmates were tearing up by your song that you sang. You have a really nice voice. Both of you in fact." Namjoon said patting Jimin's back.

We thanked him again while he headed off somewhere with Jungkook to get ready to emcee. Now we're alone, I hugged Jimin tightly and wept, "Why can't she be me?! Why does this day have to come?! I love Min Yoongi and he only sees me as a best friend!"
Jimin hugged me tightly, "Hey, shhh... Yeah, it really hurts but try giving someone a chance? Maybe that someone has been waiting for you?"

I didn't answer him but cried. I've been waiting for 11 years, waiting for him to turn to me and hoping that he'll love me the same way. He even knew I loved him! Yet, all he did was to give me false hope.

"______, is it true that you have a crush on me?" He said while we walked out of school.
I looked down, red face and tried to run the other direction. But he pinned me to the wall, his eyes looking into mine. My heart beating so fast, I couldn't breathe. I could feel my blood rushing up to my face.
I looked down, trying to push him away but he came closer, "Im sorry... But I can't say that I feel the same way."

My heart dropped, I knew, that I was rejected before confessing.
"But, maybe one day I might have the same feelings. Though, now let's just stick to being best friends. Okay?" He pulled my arm to the direction of home.
I stopped him and pulled away, "I-I just remembered that Jungkook invited me for a drink..."
He believed me and hugged me tightly before waving bye to me.

Once he was out of sight, I broke down crying while walking slowly to the cafe where Jungkook waited for me.
"I was- waiting... ______ ah, tell me what happened." Kookie hugged me while I cried.

"Hey, ______ ah... Let's wash your face and head back." Jimin gently wiped my tears away.
I nodded and rested on his arm while we walked to the bathroom.
After splashing my face with some water, I dapped it dry and headed out while resting on his arm, "Thanks Jimin..." I said, barely above a whisper.
He rested his head on my head, "It's alright. We'll head back to (country) soon anyways. Let's hang out with Jungkook and the others."

After everything was over, I saw their car leave and it was just Namjoon, Jungkook and a few more other students.
"______-ah..." They said softly, pulling me into a tight group hug.
I rested on a shoulder and sobbed quietly, all our moments in highschool flashed before my eyes. How many times I made everyone happy, being with Suga... Being with everyone. Now it felt like I was all alone. Because of one person. Just one person. He, Min Yoongi, made me feel like this.

We drove to the park in three cars and sat together, "If you still love Yoongi, why are you dating Jimin?" Jungkook asked me.
"We aren't," Jimin answered while I was busy blowing my nose, "we're cousins."
"MWOH?!" They chorused.
"Yeah, but she told me about Yoongi's marriage so I agreed to fake our relationship. Don't worry, we've never kissed." He explained, passing me another tissue for me to use.

"Well, then Jungkook still has a chance." One of our classmates slapped Jungkook's back.
I looked up, "I don't get it. Wae?"
Kookie looked away while Namjoon snickered, "He has been liking you since forever. He knows how you feel. So, why not give him a chance?"
Jimin patted my head, "Let's invite Jungkook over to (country). Get to know each other!"
The others agreed and Jungkook kept quiet.

It wasn't really a bad idea... Perhaps, I should?
"Yeah... When?" I asked with a genuine smile.
They cheered and slapped Jungkook's back, "Hurry up before your time ends Jungkook!"
He looked at me, "You don't have to force yourself ______."
I shook my head, "I'm not forcing myself this time."

We discussed about it and decided that a week later, Jungkook will come over.
"I'll bring the two of you back home." Jungkook said while we hopped into his car.
Driving, Jungkook asked Jimin if we would like to hang around his place till the next day and we agreed.
"Thanks Kookie." I whispered and he pulled me into a warm comforting hug, "No problem. Anything for my friend... Or maybe... I don't know..." His chin was on my head.

"Good night Jungkookie." I said before heading into Jungkook's guest room which I would be staying in.
"Good night ______."

And now... We're on the plane, heading back to (country)...

That's the endddd. Yes, I kinda finished this whole thing in two days HAHAHAHAHA it's a really short one and just a idea. So, hehe... Yup ^^||

Best Friends, Aren't We? (Suga x Reader fanfic) CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora