1~The New Job!

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"Oh my Gosh!!" Alex says as her and Jade walked to their new job. "I can't wait! I'm sooo excited!" Alex started skipping beside Jade. Jade was also excited but not for a different reason. "Yeah, can you imagine, watching the animatronics as they sing and interact with the children?" Jade was wondering what the new animatronics would look like. "Hey, plus we get to play with the children as well. They are so fun and create the most interesting games to play." Jade looks at Alex and says, "And you can never forget the FREE pizza we get." Alex and Jade at the same time says, "Mmmhhh! Pizza!" as they both closed their eyes and licked their lips at the thought of that cheesy goodness.

They both stopped when they saw the Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria sign. ^So those are the new animatronics. Jade thought as she and Alex starred at the sign. ^Well they look better then the last ones. A shiver went down Jade's spin when she thought about those golden characters. "Hey, Jade, are you ok?" Alex was at the door waiting for Jade to wake up out of her day dream. "Just waiting for you to open the door, heh." Alex let go of the door handle. "Are you sure you can handle this? It's been awhile since the incident and I doubt that what happened won't happen here. It's a new place with better animatronics." Jade nodded her head, "I promise I'll be fine." Alex sighed then opened the door. They both stood in awe when they saw the children cheering on the three new characters on stage. "I thought there were four of them." Jade says.

"There are." A man shouted from the side. The girls turned towards the man. It was the boss of the restaurant. "Jade, Alex. We have been waiting for you. My name is Jackson Herald. Nice to meet cha." "Nice to meet you, too." Alex said as she nodded. Jade nodded as well then said, "So where's the fourth one?" The man pointed to another stage across the room that had purple curtains and a sign that said 'Out of Order'. "There was an accident with poor ol' Foxy." Jade looked at Jackson, "What happened?" Jackson put his arm down. "You ask a lot of questions, don't cha?" He smiled at the girls. "You girls will be making sure everything's doing fine. That no one's kidnappin', running out of the building without an adult, or stealing anything. Keep everything under control. ok?" The girls nodded in agreement. Jackson walked off.

"Wow. Now we have actually started our new job!" Alex was ready for this. Jade, on the other hand, continuously stared at the closed purple curtains at Pirate's Cove. ^I wonder what DID happen to Foxy to a point of being 'Out of Order'? "Jade?" Alex saw that Jade was still looking at Pirate's Cove. She sighed, "Let me guess, you're planning on finding out what happened?" Jade, still looking at Pirate's Cove, answered, "Of course, someone here HAS to know what happened." One of the other security guards, who over heard their conversation, came up to them. "The only people who knows exactly what happened are night guards now." Jade looks away from the old stage towards the guard. "Wait, what?!?" The guard nodded. "Yeah there were only two people on guard duty that day. I only know that one of them got moved to night shift."

"And the other?" Jade stepped forward, scaring the guard. He jumped back. "I-I don't know. Y-You'll have to ask the n-night shift guard." The guard took a breath. "But you didn't hear it from me. And considering that I gave you information." Alex went to Jade's side. "Great, what do you want?" The guy looked back and forth from Jade to Alex. "I'm also curious of what happened." Jade looked at the man suspiciously. "Ok, fine." As he was about to walk away, Alex stopped him. "We didn't catch your name, sir." He stopped and looked over his shoulder. "My name is Mason." And he vanished within the crowd. "Jade, I don't like him." Jade looks at Alex, "Why not?" Alex shrugged, "I don't know, I just have this feeling." "Well, at least we learned something today." She looks back in the direction where Mason walked off too. Alex sighed, "We barely started our first day of work and already your all over the place." They both started laughing and continued their first day at Freddy's Pizzeria.

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