5~Jade's Past

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Jade wasn't sure where she was walking to but she knew how to get back. Even though it has been awhile since she moved back to her home city, she still remembers where everything was at. Except the new things, like the new houses beside the park. She could still see herself as a child running around the area though. She sat down on a park bench and watched the children come and leave. She new that it was almost 7:30 so the children would mostly be at Freddy's. The park would be clear. Jade doesn't normally stay at the park during the weekends but she needed the walk. 

As she predicted, the children vanished as soon as the clock chimed 8. She was alone. This was what she liked the most about Freddy's. It took the children and gave her the quiet she needed as she was outside. She got out her sketch book and started to draw. As she drew, she looked up and saw a little, ghost-like girl, playing alone in the park.


The little girl couldn't go to the new diner that just opened up. So she watched as all the other children and their parents lined up to enter the new strange building. It had two cute animal characters on the sign. One was a golden bear and the other was a golden rabbit. The little girl wanted to go but her parents were always too busy. So she stayed at the park and made up her own adventures. She fought off killer robots, joined a pirate crew, and played other imaginative games like that. This was her everyday life. She would wake up with her parents, waited til they left for work, go to the play ground to play with the children before they left to go to Fred Bear's Diner, then continue her grand adventures.

One day, she was alone at the park as always, when a boy walks up and sits on the edge of the slide. The boy never saw the girl and she never saw him. She slid down the 'water fall' and bumped right into the boy. They both ended up on the ground. "Hey watch it!" The boy said. "Oh I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean too." The girl responded. The boy looked around and saw that there was no other kids playing on the play ground except for the little girl. "Are you playing by yourself?" The little girl looked at the diner. "Yea but I'm fine, I'm just..." 

"Alone?" The boy interrupted her. She slowly nodded. "Why are you alone when you could go to Fred Bear's Diner?" The little girl climbed to the top of the play house. "I'm not aloud to go." She hugged a pole. The little boy joined her at the top. "Well I don't really like the place anyway. What were you playing?" The little girl got excited. "I was just escaping the evil pirates and trying to get back to my ship. Wanna join me crew?" 

"Aye aye, Captain!" The little boy laughed and they began their great adventure. "By the way Captain, what be your name?" The boy asked. The girl smiled at him. "My name is Jade. What's your's, matie?" The boy looked up at her. "My name is-"


"Jade?" Jade looked behind her and saw Mike. "Oh, hello Mike! You startled me." She giggled. Mike sat beside her on the bench. "What are you doing here?" He asked her. "Just, uh, relaxing and drawing. What are you doing here?" Jade threw the question back at him. "I needed some air, so I thought I'd go on a walk." Mike looked at the sketch that Jade left in her sketchbook. "So whatcha drawing?" Jade looked down at her paper and realized she drew a little girl sitting alone on the swing set. "Aww why is she alone?" Mike asked. Jade shrugged, even though she knew why. "So I'm guessing she's you as a little girl. It's a memory, right?" Jade looked at Mike with a shocked expression. "How'd you kn-"

"A lot of artist draw through emotions and/or memories." Mike looked at the empty park. "So I'm guessing you grew up here?" He looked back at Jade. She nodded and smiled. "Your smarter then I thought." She teased. "Oh so you thought I was stupid?" He laughed. She laughed as well. "No, I just thought.. you know..." Jade went silent not sure what to say.

"What's that necklace for?" Mike noticed the necklace that ended up out of her shirt, instead of hidden inside her shirt like it always is. She pulled it out during her walk down memory lane and forgot to put it back. "Oh it was a necklace my first friend gave to me. He was the best friend I needed when I was younger." Jade put the necklace back where it needed to be. "Oh is he still your best friend now?" Jade looked back at Mike. "I don't know. He decided to leave me behind a long time ago for a bunch of bullies." Jade put her sketchbook back in her bag. "I should get going before Alex starts worrying about me." Jade began to stand up. Mike stood up as well. "Need someone to talk to on your way?" 

"I think I'm fine but thank you anyway." Before she started walking, Mike hugged her. "If you need anything, I'll be here to listen." Jade blushed and stood there for a second before hugging him back. "Thank you, Mike." He let go and she started walking. After a few feet she looked back at Mike. He waved bye and started walking the opposite way. Jade turned back and continued walking. She smiled. ^That was nice... I guess. Jade couldn't wait to join them tonight for the night shift. "Wait." Jade stopped herself but kept walking. "I still need to talk to Alex about staying night shift. Dangit!" ^Hopefully she'll be ok with it, right? Jade knew she needed to convince Alex about the night shift.

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