kaitlyn adams 🌻

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name: kaitlyn adams

age: 18

sexuality: straight

job: works at a department store

living situation: her own apartment 

personality/ backstory: kaitlyn is by far one of the happiest girls you will meet. she is always cracking jokes and doing her best to make people smile. she is an only child but despite what most people think, she didn't have everything handed to her. she lived alone with her mother, who worked 2 jobs. she does the most she can to make her mother proud of her, including doing online school to help save money. she lives alone in an apartment now with her husky named Ace, who she has had for 3 years now. he is her everything and has been there for her in her times of need. she's looking for a guy who will treat her like a princess and deal with her lame jokes and crazy dog

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