jacey jackson 🌻

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name: jacey jackson

age: 18

sexuality: straight

job: full time student, works as a waitress at a local bar

living situation: her own apartment

personality/backstory: jacey is a kind hearted girl who got dealt a bad card. since she was around 10 years old, her alcoholic father has physically abused her. her mom had problems with addiction to hard drugs and was an alcoholic as well. jacey moved out at 16, going to live with her grandmother who had always been there for her. since she was 12, she has been self harming, along with having suicidal thoughts and attempts. she still struggles with these problems to this day but manages to be self efficient in her everyday life. she works as a waitress but gets many weird looks from customers due to her scars. she has been clean from self harm for almost a year and is hoping to stay on her road to full recovery.

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