mickey gray🌻

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name: mickey gray

age: 18

sexuality: straight

job: busser at a restaurant

living situation: his own apartment

personality/backstory: mickey is a boy who has been through a lot in his life. his mother died at a young age and his father left after his mother died. despite his family having a lot of money, he ended up in a foster home from the age of 15 till he was 18 and could afford an apartment to live on his own.  he put all of the money he inherited in a savings account and uses that money for emergencies. the death of his mother caused him to start self harming for many years, leaving him with many scars. he goes to therapy now, being clean from self harm for a little over a year now. he is hoping to find a girl who will accept him with all of his past and struggles but not take advantage of him because of the money he has. 

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