genna lee 🌻

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name: genna lee

age: 19

sexuality: straight

job: bartender

living situation: her own condo

perosnality/backstory: genna has a special love for the art of tattoos. since she was 12 years old, she has wanted a tattoo. she loved the idea of a piece of art that could permanently be on her body and have a story behind it. she struggled with self harm during high school but hasn't self harmed in almost 2 years. on her 17th birthday, she decided it was time for her to try to recover. this was also when she moved out and got a place of her own. she had abusive parents and things at school weren't good socially which is what lead to her self harming. on her one year anniversary of being clean (her 18th birthday), she got a flower piece to cover up the scars on her upper arm. Since then, she's gotten more tattoos and only had more planned

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