Chapter 15 - Freeze

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*Tey P.O.V*
"Wake up lucky charms" I hear Chris as I finally come to

"What the fuck man!" I'm tied up by my wrists "WRIST ... TEAMMMM"  & my feet

He waves a gun around "Now .. Y'all got me fucked up with the bullshit you on" he says pacing around

I look around and we're at his spot in Miami, I must've been knocked out the whole trip. Cali to Miami is a long trip

"Man .." I say feeling a little helpless, hair all in my face not knowing what to do "Chris man we did songs together, how could you do this to me?" I ask

"Fuck the songs Tey! Fuck the songs ! You took my girl, she was MY girl! I love her, I do!" He says "I know all the things I did to her was wrong but why choose you!!!, If I didn't change man I would fight you!"

I look at this nigga dumbfounded "but kidnapping is okay?" 😴

"Shut up" he says "now you have a choice .."

I look at him "what choice?"

"I kill you .. Or your family"

I look & feel horrible "you would really do that to innocent kids fam?"

"The choice is yours nigga"

*Kae P.O.V*

I haven't seen my wife in a couple days .. I called her, text her, can't find the car. I'm scared. I called the police & they won't fucking help me. Even the kids are freaking out. I have one option left.

"Hello?" The voice on the phone says

"Hey" I say wondering why I even called her in the first place "Have you seen Tey?" I ask

I pace around the room anxiously looking at the wall

"No .. I haven't talked to her in a couple weeks why?" Cyn says

"Well she's been gone for a couple days" I tell her

"A couple days?!?" She gets concerned "she wouldn't do that! Have you called the police? Is anyone after her?"

I start crying "I called but they won't help! They said I have to wait & she doesn't make enemies she's so sweet to everyone"

"I'm gonna come over" Cyn says "we gonna figure this out"

I hang up the phone & wait for her to come over. At this point I don't even know what to do. It's just so much and I don't even know where she is. Her phones not even on. After waiting for a while I see Cyn pop up at my door with a guy

"Hey Kae" she says hugging me at the front door "Hey girl" I say hugging her back. I open the door wide so they can both get in the door

"Oh yeah! This is Raul, he's a private investigator I hired, if anyone can figure this out it'd be him"

"Hi" he extends his hand out "can I set up over here?" I gesture him to go ahead, I'm surprised she did all this for me, especially what happen the last time I saw her.

"Thank you for this" I tell her

"No problem" she says "you my girl I'm gonna help you find your wife" she says

Raul sets up his computers & cords then starts asking me questions

"Alright so do you know her Apple ID password?" He asks "let's start off with that first to see where she last was"

I log him in & he does a reverse look up with the last pinpoint on her satellite

"Alright so it looks like she's in .. Miami" he says

I sit down "what the hell is she doing in Miami?" I think to myself

"Is there an address ?" Cyn asks

"Yeah .." He says "You guys aren't going to believe this" he says as he finishes the address lookup

* Tey P.O.V*

"Come on just let me go" I say struggling to get out of this rope

"Have you made up your decision?" He asks pacing around

"I did" I say "I choose neither"

"Wrong fucking choice" he says laughing "you really think this is a game huh?"

"I mean you're a joke" I say shaking my head "All this for what? A girl that doesn't love you? Man you're crazy" I say

"I'm crazy?" He says "IM CRAZY?" He starts yelling "maybe I am fucking crazy bitch" he pulls the gun

"You are" I say. At this point I'm not even scared of this clown. Why tf is this even happening right now?

"You know what .. Maybe you need to cool down" he says "MANDO!" He calls for his big ass body guard

He walks in straight & big "put her in the freezer" Chris commands him

"what?!?" I struggle "Wtf! Put me down!" I try to get loose of his grip

"In about 8 hours your ass will freeze to death" he says "have a nice time"

Mando drags me down to the freezer which is very very fucking cold. More cold than a normal freezer.

Starting time until death: 7:58:34

*Kae P.O.V*

"Whose is it Raul?" I ask anxiously

He just stares at me trying to get the words out but I know it's hard for him because he's just staring.

"WHOSE IS IT RAUL" I say a little more tense

"Chris .." He lets out "Chris Brown" he relaxes a little

"Omg" I hold my hand to my mouth

"I thought he was in jail" Cyn says stunned almost as I am

"No .. He got out a couple days ago" I say .. "A COUPLE DAYS AGO" Shit I should've known when something was up! Got fucking damn it.

"We have to go to Miami now!" Cyn says "there's no telling what could happen"

"Alright .. Let's go" I say. There's a private jet at Telesa airbase

We drive off & I leave Teylen & Kaelan with their grandmother. We have to get to Miami as fast as we can.

"Ready Everyone?" I ask

"Ready whenever you are" They both say

*Tey P.O.V*

It's super cold in this freezer I'm growing icicles on me. I feel like I'm gonna crack any minute.

Time: 7:09:34


Will Kae make it to Teyana on time ? Or will she be too late?

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