Chapter 23 - Accident

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*Tey P.O.V*

"Tey!" I hear Pookie screaming "TEY OMG"

I wake up and see different types of enforcement. Police, Ambulances, Firetrucks. What the fuck happened ?

"Thank god you're awake" Pook looks at me

"Damn son .. what happened?" I look around

"You got in an accident" she tells me

"Shit" I look at my car

"Thank god you're alright"

The police had a tow truck come & take my car. That shits totaled, well fuck me. I give the police my information and let them take care of the rest. I go inside Pookie's house again. Came out that bitch with no scratches, no nothing but maybe a minor concussion

"This a sign Cousin" she tells me

"I figure that" I say slanging the ice on my head "I mean it could've been worse"

"It could've" she says

"Do you realize anything?" She says

"I realize I could've died" I say

"So what does that make you feel?"

"Lucky" I look at her frustrated

"And .."

I sit back and reflect

"I was wrong for cheating on her. Two wrongs don't make a right but I realize she was hurt. She was a little vulnerable, she was hurt, I hate I did that to her. Ran her away to another woman, in her wife. I took vows to her, i made her believe every lie, i made her believe in me when I knew she shouldn't. I was wrong. I fucked up" I say

"There we go" she smiles at me in reassurance "you finally get it"

"I mean how couldn't I?"

"Exactly" she says "And next time pay attention to where yo ass going"

I call Uber and they drop me off at my house. I gotta stunt in one of the other cars until I can get the other one fixed I guess

*Kae P.O.V*

I leave the apartment in a rush, I should probably get to set cause I haven't been there in a while. I can only imagine what she's doing right now

I head to studio B in H-G studio lot and start to get dressed for these scenes. 

"Are you ready for this scene?" Micheal asks me as he starts getting everyone in place

"Yeah, I'm ready" I say with a smile 

"Good cause we've been trying to stick out the other scenes without you but we need you here" He says smiling back at me. He turns around "And another thing Ms. Tran, Don't be late or miss rehearsals again!" he laughs sitting in the directors chair 

We start acting 

"Steph .. It should never be this way" Brandon says walking up towards me

"What did you expect Taylor?" I ask him

"I don't know .. I expected us to be okay. Us to be cool" He backs up a little

I head for the steps in anticipation

"You expected wrong. I'm tired of this. I just want you to stop doing what you do. All you do is smell like cheap cologne and liquor"

Tiara walks on set like she's a cool ass motherfucker


"What Tricia?" He looks back at her 

Damn I feel like we some good actors. 

*Tey P.O.V*

I think she could be on her set now. I means she should be. She's been trying to act for a while ever since the twins were born so

Tey: Come outside

Kae: ... 

Tey: Just come son

I see Kae walk outside in super sexy ass black lace lingerie, damn is that what they be having her wear in the scenes. Shooooooo

"What's up?" She asks

"Get in" I say

She gets in the car and looks at me 

"Soooo is that what you call getting even?" I ask "Well played"

"It wasn't like that Tey" She starts off

"Then how was it cause I heard the whole thing kid" I say

"She was a little tipsy and things just started happening so quick. I was still hurt by what you did so of course after a while I wanted to get revenge" She says 


"For what Tey?" 

"You played yourself"

"How did I play myself when you was the one cheating for idk how long a month? How do you think that made me feel? I'm tryna heal from all the shit you done for months to save us and you tripping over a day? Are you serious?" 

I look at her and start thinking bout what she's actually saying

"Exactly, now you have nothing to say cause you know I'm right." 

"Look .." I start off 

"Look nothing" she looks out the window looking at all the buildings

"You're my wife. I fucked up and I'm sorry" I say "I love you"

"Please .. just .. please save this cause if you loved me you wouldn't have done that SON" 

She hops out the whip and walks back to set. Well .. I guess that went a little better than last time. I want the old us back, I love the old us. I gotta try harder or imma loose all this. SHIT. 

No One Can Know (Teyana Taylor x Karruche Tran)Where stories live. Discover now