Chapter Three

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Killian and Emma jumped at the sound of an object crashing to the floor in the room next to them. "You've already told them, haven't you?" He looked sternly at the girl, who slowly started to walk towards him. Before he knew what was going on, Emma had handcuffed him to the nearby pipe. She walked away, leaving Killian to scream for help in the small room, that was hidden underground in a town called Storybrooke.

*14 years ago*

"Liam? Can I ask you something?" Killian called out to his older brother, who was sitting outside there house.

"Sure, what's up?" He looked down at Liam before sitting besides him, working out how to ask the question.

"How do you... You know... Ask a girl out?" Liam raised an eyebrow, "But properly, I want her to like me and I want to ask her out in a way that doesn't make me seem..."

"Killian! shut up." He interrupted as he noticed his brother babbling nervously. "Tell me who it is, and I'll tell you what do."Killian rolled his eyes and shook his head. "It's Emma isn't it. I knew you had a crush on her!" The eldest exclaimed, but the other just sighed.

"Her name's Milah. I met her down at the docks a few weeks ago, we got talking and I really like her. No, i think I love her Liam."

"Then just go for it, go down there and ask to take her out for drinks. You're 16 now, go out and get your girl." He said, playfully nudging Killian's arm.

"Thanks, i have to go. Emma's meeting me in a bit."


*Later that night*

Emma lay under the stars, tears came to her eyes as she replayed those words in her head.

"Her name's Milah... I really like her. No, i think I love her."

She couldn't help but feel pain every time she thought about it. Emma knew she was never meant to fall for him. Killian and her were only meant to become friends, that was the plan, "no developing feelings." But she had. And their was nothing she could do, he clearly didn't feel the same way.

She sat up as she realised what she had to do. After becoming friends with the boy and after realising her feelings, Emma decided to drop out the plan and tell him everything when the time was right, however, now she knew that these feelings were nothing but the cause of pain and torment she decided to make her path clear and only focus on one thing... Getting Killian to her leader, to The Dark One

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