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My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I'm a software engineer for Murkoff Psychiatric System Facilities at Mount Massive Asylum. I don't believe half the things I see here; patients being dragged off somewhere and never returning. There's something very odd about it and I don't like it. This morning, I heard security whispering about a project called "Walrider". What is the walrider I have to wonder. I need to figure out what is going on and what is Murkoff doing with those patients.


Hey guys whats up. I'm so sorry that I had got rid of this story, I just felt like it wasn't becoming that very popular and also because I thought what I was doing wasn't right because of the copyright issues and stuff. But then I realized that all i needed to do is just say that none of the stuff belongs to me. So I'm gonna be rewriting this story but it might take a little longer than usual so please don't rush me on it alright. Thanks, I hope you guys understand and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE!!!

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