Chapter 1

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Beep beeep beeep I opened my eyes and shut my alarm off. Why so damn early I thought to myself. I got up and went pee. Tmi I know right but oh well. Austin better feel special i never get up this early. I finally get to see my Bestfriend today!!!! Until he has to leave again. Long story short my Bestfriend is famous, Austin Mahone and he travels all the time so I don't see him much anymore. Plus he lives in Florida now bc of his record deal. At least I still have my Bestfriend Chloe here in Texas. Is it to late now to say sorry cause I-

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Where are you?" Shittt it's Austin. I hurried and slid some pants on and threw a hoodie on.

"I'm coming right now. I'll be like 20 minutes" I told him putting some flip flops on and grabbing my car keys.

"Are you just now leaving your house?" He asked laughing. I kinda laughed

"Nooo" I got in my car and pulled out of the driveway

"Well imma hang with fans until you get here then" He told me. I heard screaming on his end. Yup there's the amazing Mahomies.

I smiled "okay I'll be there soon" after that we hung up and I drove to the airport.

*Arriving at the airport*
I parked my car and went inside looking for Austin. I spotted a bunch of girls and I knew he was somewhere over there. I started walking towardS the restrooms. I texted Austin saying I was gonna walk by the restrooms and to meet me over there. After a few minutes I seen Austin coming my way. I ran up to him and jumped on him.

"I missed you!!!!" I said laughing. He laughed with me.

"I missed you too ugly. Now get off" He said and I playfully slapped him.

"You act like I'm heavy" I said getting off him. He faked laughed hard. I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. "Come on loser we have to go get Chloe "

"Ew" He said jokingly. I laughed and started walking out of the airport. I heard a bunch of "bye Austin"

"So loser how was the flight?" I asked helping him put his suitcase in the trunk. He shrugged

"Good I guess I've been on so many I'm used to it" he said getting in the car. I did the same and buckled up and took off.

"Yeah I've only been on one and that was going to Mexico with my parents" He chuckled and plugged the aux cord into his phone. I drove to Chloe's and went inside.

"Biiiiitch" I said walking in the door. Her parents were sitting on the couch drinking coffee. Oops sorry old people "sorry i didn't think you guys would be up" I said. They smiled and said it was fine. I walked up the stairs to Chloe's room. I walked over to her and pinched her nose "Wake up bitch" I said. She just turned over and groaned. I sat on her and bounced.

"What the hell do you want?" She mumbled. I giggled.

"Get up Austin is here and we're gonna hang out today" I said getting off her.

"Okay but I have to get ready at your house" She said getting up.

"I have to get ready to I just slipped on something to get Austin" I said walking to her dresser and smelling her perfume. She grabbed some clothes and put them in a bag and put some shoes on. We walked downstairs and said bye to her parents then got in the car. Austin was playing some ghetto ass music that Chloe don't like. I started driving to my house. Chloe and Austin were talking about something, I wasn't paying attention. When we got to my house I went inside and got a bottle of water. Austin and Chloe walked in the kitchen laughing.

BestfriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora