2- Escape

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I limped out of the lake and off the rock, I managed to find a branch to lean on to support my weight, my leg was still leaking blood. I tore my shirt off so now I was I just in my tank top, my trousers were soaked through with blood, night was soon approaching and I needed to find somewhere to rest up for the night, as well as being hidden for the night, I knew he would still be searching for me.

I managed to find a cave which I rested in and tried to stop the bleeding, I was panting, sweating and blood still leaked from my wound. There was no walking away from this. I could hear male voices shouting outside and I could hear the burning of torches, I was now trapped. I rested my head on the back of the wall, the feeling in my leg was lessening as every hour past. I heard footsteps in the cave and a stabbing pain in my leg as someone was squeezing the wound on my leg, I cried out and it was the last person I wanted to see it was my pursuer. "I finally found you, did you really think it was a game me chasing after you?" He asked. I didn't answer.

"Look at you you're weak and pathetic. I don't know whether it would be fun to kill you right now and here or watch you suffer" He said squeezing my leg harder, then wrapping his fingers round my chin making me look at him.  "You're not even a man, how the hell did you get in?" He quizzed me.

I soon stumbled up, I wasn't ready to give up. I was willing to fight. I pushed past him, he tried grabbing my arm but I snatched the knife from my waistband and cut him across his face. It gave me time to limp run away from him but I stumbled over as I didn't see a big boulder in my path, I could hear Philip coming after me. "You know losing that much blood, you're going to die eventually especially if I don't get you!" He yelled into the night. "But where's the fun in that letting you get away" He said. I could hear he wasn't far from me.

"You know I enjoy the thrill and anticipation of a chase but the real satisfaction is when I run a knife through your heart" He snarled. I could hear he was close but I was so glad I had the night to cover me. I reached into my boot where I had a spare hand gun and I tried to figure out where his voice was coming from, so I shot in that general direction. "For a soldier you're a terrible shot, how did you even become captain?" He taunted me.

Just as I was about to run up after Lombard someone pulled me down and told me to be quiet, it was the Lieutenant from my army. "Now follow me!" He instructed me and together we found our way out and away from Lombard I was on my way to safety.

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