5: News to Share

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As soon as we get home, I immediately call my mother. As the phone rings, I make a mental list of everyone I need to call. Haymitch, Effie, Johanna, Annie, and Caesar. Now, as much as I don't want to call Caesar, I know I need to. Peeta agrees. They've been calling to get us on his show for an interview since the news leaked that we are back together. So I know, they definitely won't leave us alone once they find out our engagement. I'm engaged. I can't believe it.

My mom picks up, "Hello?"

"Hey mom!" I say really enthusiastically.

"Hi, Katniss. You sound chipper."

"That's because I have something exciting to tell you." I eye Peeta who has the biggest grin on his face.

"What's that?" She asks.

"Peeta and I are engaged. We wanted to call you before it ended up on tv."

"Oh, baby, that's great! Give Peeta my congratulations." she says.

"I'd love to chat more, but I have a long list of people I need to call. You were the first."

"Ok, darling. Good luck. Let me know the details when you get them planned. Love you."

"Love you too."

We hang up.

Peeta walks over, kisses my temple, and goes to make dinner. "Glad to know you're excited."

I smile and dial another number. I decide to call Haymitch last, he's probably in an alcohol induced coma and won't be able to hear anything about our engagement. I call Caesar next.

"Hello, how may I direct your call?" the person on the other line answers. She must be an assistant.

"Yes, My name is Katniss Everdeen. I would like to speak with Caesar Flickerman."

"What is this call pertaining?"

"He wanted to schedule and interview with myself and Peeta Mellark."

"Ok, one moment." she connects my call.

"Hello, Ms. Everdeen. I'm glad to hear back from you." Caesar says.

"Hello Caesar." I greet.

"So what is the girl on fire calling me about?"

"Peeta and I would like to agree to your interview. We have some exciting news we'd like to share."

"And what might that be?"

"We're engaged."

"Oh my! That is very exciting. That must be what the uproar in district twelve is. When would you like to come?"

"When are you available?" I ask.

"Well, it takes two days to get to the Capitol from twelve. And we have an opening in three days. Could you be on a train tomorrow?"

"Sure. Peeta's new bakery opened today but I'm sure he can get someone to cover while we are gone."

"Perfect. I'll see you two lovebirds soon. Congratulations."

"Thank you Caesar. Goodbye."

I decide to call Effie next. Maybe we can do some wedding planning while we are in the Capitol.

"Hello Hello." Effie answers in her Capitol accent.

"Effie, it's Katniss."

"Oh my dear, It's so lovely to hear from you. How are you?"

"I'm great. How are you?"

"I'm just fine. Thank you for asking." she says in her proper manners. Oh Effie, she hasn't changed a bit. "What are you calling me about, Katniss?"

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