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It was nice actually having someone to eat dinner with last night and actually enjoy it. Liam seemed to be a pretty interesting lad. I decided I should be nice to him. It's the least I could do since he's the one I've been talking to the most lately. Plus he's making my suits.

I didn't sleep all that well, however. I kept turning in my sleep; I was having a nightmare. It was whatever had happened to me the other day—when I thought I was going to be in a car accident—but on repeat. It just would not stop. So I stayed awake until my body just couldn't take it anymore.

I had eventually fallen back asleep around 6:30am only to be woken up at 7 to be told I was going to be interviewed on the news for the new homeless shelter.

Can't a man get some sleep in his own damn home for crying out loud?!

I groaned loudly and slammed my pillow over my face. Today wasn't going to be good at all seeing that I'm literally only going to be surviving on thirty minutes of sleep. I probably looked like death...which is why I'm thankful for my stylist. She knows just what to do to make me look like I'm a fresh flower or some analogy. I don't remember what she told me; I wasn't listening.

Once that was done, Liam had helped me into a new suit he had been working on. It fit me pretty well and I absolutely loved how my ass looked in it.

"It looks great on you, sir," he told me after he helped me straighten out the sleeves and pant legs.

I fixed my tie myself and then smiled. Of course I looked great. In fact, I looked—as the teenage girl would say—hella fine.

"Would you like to accompany me to the interview? I mean, you won't really get to say anything...you may not even get any airtime, but hey, you'll be getting out of the house."

Liam smiled and then nodded. He went to his room that I had permitted him to have and he got ready. By 9:30am, both Liam and I were ready. Well, sort of. My stylist was still messing with my hair even as we went out the door.

I eventually just pushed her hands away, got into the car with Liam, and my driver took off. If there's one thing I hate more than having to give my money away to charities, it's my stylist touching my hair for longer than she should. I understand that's part of her job, but sometimes she just takes it a little bit too far.


I was getting prepped for the interview now. More people touched my hair and I snapped at them for it. I had a microphone placed on me and I had gotten situated in the chair that was going to be across from the interviewer. Liam was somewhere in the crowd; being seen and not heard.

I had probably sat in that chair for about ten minutes before I got bored. Honestly, I was about to get up and leave but then the interviewer showed but. She gave me this lame ass apology for being late. Something about she just had to give someone on the street a blanket that was in her trunk.

I don't remember much of the interview cause honestly, I just wanted it to be over. She asked how much I gave and she asked what I think about homeless people in general. I didn't answer that second one.

Then the interviewer sort of got off track. She asked me about my personal life; this part of the interview must be for some other network. She asked me if I was seeing anyone or if I was in a relationship.

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