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He said it. Niall finally said it. Niall finally said that he loves me. I almost wanted to run into the bathroom to check to see if the cracks were all gone, but I didn't. Instead, I kissed him again...and again. I pressed him against the door and deepened the kiss. I wasn't even thinking about going after Zayn, Miss Swift or Louis. All I was focused on was Niall.

I lifted him up off the floor and carried him back to the bed. He immediately took off his shirt and then tugged at mine before taking it off my body. He threw my shirt to the side then grabbed onto my face to pull me down into a kiss. Everytime I'd pull away, Niall would let out a little whine. So I'd kiss him again and again until both our lips were swollen from the numerous kisses. Now he was just curled up into my side and outlining my muscles. It felt pretty great.

I would shut my eyes for a few seconds only to quickly open them again when I'd hear Niall say he loves me. I'd smile and say it back. This probably happened about eight times before my phone began to ring; making us both groan loudly.

I sat up in the bed and reached for my phone, only to groan more when I saw Liam's name flashing across the screen. Instead of answering it, I denied the call and put the phone on vibrate. I set it back on the bedside table and went back to kissing Niall, despite our swollen lips. He wrapped his arms around my neck and held me close; whispering that he loved me.

"I don't think I'm ever gonna get over you saying that to me, Ni."

Niall softly laughed then kissed my nose. The next thing he did was rub the left side of my face where the cracks used to be with his right hand. Niall let out a little sigh.

"What's the matter, sunshine?"

"It's just...I'm going to miss tracing the cracks...that's all. I liked the way you'd smile in your sleep when I'd do it. Or how you'd lean into my hand when I'd do it. What am I going to do now?"

"There are tons of things you could do, baby. Like, you can still trace my face or any part of my body with your fingers. It feels amazing no matter where you do it."

Niall frowned a little.

"It's not the same."

Was he saying that he wished the cracks never went away? Before I could ask him, my phone began buzzing to the point where it fell off the bedside table. I didn't want to pick it up, knowing that it was probably Liam.

"Just answer it, Harry. It's probably something important."

He gently pushed me away and slid off the bed. I just watch as he head into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. So I picked up the phone and groaned because it was Liam.

"What on earth do you want, Liam?" I asked as I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Did you see what they were saying about you on the news, Mr. Styles?!"

"No, but Niall told me about it." I rubbed my hand up my face and sighed. "Liam?"


He sounded like he was still focused on the whole news report bashing me.

"He said it. Niall said he loves me..." I whispered.

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