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I hated to see Niall in pain. I hated that there was absolutely nothing I could do to make him feel better. Sure, me being there made him smile, but I could tell he was in so much pain. Every day that went by while we were in that damn hospital room drove us insane. Granted that Niall was asleep most of the time, I knew he really wanted to go home. And when the day finally came, we both were extremely happy.

I was wheeling him out to one of my "safer" cars when someone had stopped us. I already knew it was a reporter or some shit like it. I didn't want to be bothered and neither did Niall. I tried to tell them—in the nicest way possible—that we didn't have time for their questions. But they continued to pry. As much as every part of my body wanted to knock the man flat on his ass, I didn't. I just gripped the handles of the wheelchair, cleared my throat and once more told them that we didn't have time for their questions...and then I proceeded to run the wheelchair over the man's foot and continued on towards the doors to outside.

"You didn't have to do that, Harry," Niall told me softly.

"Yes, I did. He wasn't going to leave us alone and I didn't want him bothering you anymore. You're under enough stress as it is and...I don't want to put you under any more."

Niall sighed.

"It's not your fault—"

"But it is, Ni. It is..." We finally made it through the exit doors and up to my car. "If I didn't have such a fucked up past, you wouldn't even be here."

"You're right, Harry; I wouldn't. I wouldn't because I'd probably be dead in that alley."

I shut my eyes tightly at the mention of that.

"I don't like it when you bring that up, Niall..."

"Why not?" He tried to look up at me. "That's the moment that everything changed for you...for me...for us."

"I know, baby boy..." I opened the car door for him and carefully placed him into the passenger seat. "I know. It's just...if I think about if I had gotten to you a few seconds later than I had, then I'll get lost within myself...going on and on about what a terrible person I was and that if only I had been there sooner—"

Niall pulled me into a kiss; cutting me off and essentially shutting me up.

"You got there just in time," he whispered against my lips as he caressed my cheek that wasn't covered with the cracks. "I love you, Harry. Don't ever forget that."

I smiled as I closed his door then got into the car myself before driving us home. I was glad to be able to take off my mask since it was just Niall and I in the car and just one glance in the rear view mirror, I could see that more of the cracks were gone, but not completely gone. After sighing quietly to myself, I turned the radio on and kept the volume low because I could see that Niall was barely keeping himself awake because of the pain medicine that the hospital gave him.

"Baby boy, it's okay to fall asleep. You know I'll carry you inside when we get home..." I reassured.

He yawned.

"I know," He looked over at me. "But I'm tired of sleeping. I want to be awake with you. I want to be able to do things with you."

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