Keystone hotel

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~~Mokuba's POV~~

I was so excited I could hardily contain myself! Dad took me to a motel! I've never been to a motel before! It was a small room with two beds, a TV and a deluxe bathroom! Just kidding it wasn't that great but Yami decided to tag along with us!

Ever since Tea tricked Yami into fusing with her, he's been acting... strange. Oh well, hopefully the road trip will calm him down. Right when we walked into the room I started looking at all the brochures just laying on the nightstand.

"Calm down..."

"I don't feel like forgiving Tea!"

I looked over at the other bed and saw Yami arguing with himself back and forth.

"You don't understand, we must...."

"If your not going to listen then you can just... GO!"


A bright light flashed and Yugi and Atemu sat there on the floor.

"We must move past this Atemu..." Yugi said calmly.

"She lied to us so that we would form Mana. She tricked us! Don't you feel used!" Atemu said angry.

I was so excited! It wasn't everyday that you saw Yugi and Atemu un-fused. "Yugi! Atemu! I-" I was interrupted by Yugi.

"Your choosing to take it personally...." Yugi said still showing no emotion at all.

"IT's FUSION YUGI! WHAT'S MORE PERSONAL TO US... THAN FUSION!" Atemu yelled and threw his hands up in the air.

"I know your still upset..." Yugi said stating the obvious.

"OH! So it's just me!" Atemu rolled his eyes.

"Of course not! Can't you see I'm completely engulfed in rage..." Yugi's voice still sounded monotone and empty.

"Well it doesn't feel like it." Atemu started tapping his foot on the floor furiously.

"The sooner we forgive Tea, the better it'll be for all of us." Yugi got up and sat down on the bed next to me.

"Your not as above this as you think you are!" Atemu yelled.

"Yes." Yugi said calmly "I am."

Atemu growled and ran to the other side of the room.

"You can't stay angry with her forever..."

"Wanna bet." Atemu's body started steaming up as his body temperature rose.

"Atemu... the carpet..."

Atemu looked down and noticed the carpet starting to heat up to.

"YOU! I CAN'T EVEN!" Atemu ran out of the room so it didn't catch on fire. Right when the door slammed shut it was dead silent.

I couldn't believe what I just saw! Atemu and Yugi just got into a huge argument.

"Uh... nice to see you again..?" I said unsure.

"Nice to see you too Mokuba." Yugi said and stared at the wall.

It became awkward so I decided to go for a swim. This motel in particular had a big pool off to the side for all the guests.

When I walked outside I noticed a trail of burnt marks into the ground. No question, that was Atemu so I followed them to the pool and sure enough there was Atemu pacing around the outside of the pool.

"Hey Atemu, you wanna swim in the pool?" I asked trying to take his mind off of Yugi and the whole "fusion drama".


I had to try and calm Atemu down a bit. "Hey come on, why don't you come cool down in the pool." I suggested and jumped right on in.

I splashed Atemu a bit with the water but he was to mad to notice.

"I, don't need to cool down!" Atemu looked up at the sky as the water evaporated off of his body.

"Come on Atemu... the water's nice~" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Why does he act like I'm being ridiculous!" He said and walked into the pool. "Just because he wants-" his voice was cut off from the water and he started pacing the bottom of the pool.

"Uh.... Atemu?"

The water around his started heating up.

"You made a warm spot~ AH! A hot spot! BOILING!" I quickly swam to the edge of the pool to get out.

I looked back and saw the pool boiling. Yep, Atemu was mad.

"Um.... I'm just gonna, go back the room." I said to no one.

RIght when I stepped into our motel room it was like a freezer. Yugi sat there on the bed calm as ever. I wrapped my towel around myself hoping that would warm me up at least a little bit.


"Hello Mokuba." he said and stared at me.

"A-Are you d-doing okay?" I asked shivering.

"I'm... fine." he replied clenching his jaw. I saw ice grow all around the head of the bed.

"Okay..." I said walking over to the other bed. I knew she wasn't okay, maybe some TV will help. I mean, it helps me unwind when I feel stressed.

"Wanna watch TV together?"


I turned on the TV, but sadly I couldn't find any of the channels I loved,

"Huh... the channels are all the wrong numbers. Hey can you use your future powers to predict what channel I'd love the most?"

Yugi thought for a moment.

"43... but there's not much on."

I turned the channel and huddled up in the corner of the room. It was getting colder by the second in here and Yugi wasn't helping. Maybe he'll calm down if I start a conversation!

"Hey Yugi."

"Even if I do, Atemu won't listen." he said.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Your going to say that I should talk to Atemu, but it won't help..." he explained.

Oh yeah... future vision. "But she seems really upset." I argued

"That doesn't matter. We can't stay mad at pearl forever and he can't stay mad at me forever and then he'll come back and see that I'm right."

"A-A-Are Y-Y-You sure?" I snuggled deeper in my blankets.

"I can see the path of fate as it stretches towards the horizon. Atemu can't avoid the inevitable. He's just letting his emotions get out of hand."

"N-N-Not you though?" I asked

"No..." more ice grew around Yugi.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said jumping off the bed. Maybe it's warmer in there.

"Also inevitable..." Yugi said.

I looked down at the toilet... great. I opened the door back to the main room. "Yugi... the toilets frozen." I shivered.

"Such as fate." Yugi sighed

"Is it also fate that I have to pee outside in the grass too." I grumbled and slammed the door.

"Yes." I heard Yugi say threw the door.

To be continued...

Yugioh+Steven Universe=Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ