The answer Part 1

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(A/N Sorry for the crappy audio in the video. It was the only video on Youtube of the full "The answer" episode preview)


I gasped "Yami! Is it morning already?" I said excited. If it was morning that meant it was my birthday!

"It's midnight. Happy birthday Mokuba!" Yami said.

"Oh man!" I reached up and grabbed Yami's cheeks "Are you finally gonna tell me your a fusion of the gems Atemu and Yugi like you promised?"

"Well, you already know about that Mokuba."

I sighed and laid back down "It's true..."

"But, whatcha don't know is how Atemu and Yugi first met." Yami said.

I got back up "OMG I don't!" I said excited.

Yami chuckled


The Earth... 5750 years ago

It was a promising sight for a new gem colony, but progress was being faulted by a small persistent group of rebels.

A team of diplomatic gems were sent from Homeworld to investigate.

Among those gems was Yugi, a rare aristocratic Homeworld Gem, with the power to see into the future. Assigned to him were three Atemu's... common soldiers with a mission to protect him.

"Hey, can't wait for those rebels to get here." one of them said as they were marching up to Dartz Diamond.

"Haha, yeah when I see those rebels. I'm gonna punch them right in their faces." the other said smugly holding up a fist.

"What are ya sayin. I'm gonna punch them all over their bodies and then it'll be over."

"What if I just punch you!" the Atemu said as he punched the second one in line and stuck his toung out.

"Oh come on, we'll punch them together when we fuse. That's why they sent three of us." The third Atemu said.

"Three this!" the first Atemu said and punched the third Atemu right into Yugi.

The crowd of gems gasped and looked over at the scene before them.

"Oh, I um I- I'm so sorry- ugh let me-" Atemu stuttered trying to make up for what he did.

"I'm fine..." Yugi said.

"What?" Atemu was so confused

"It's okay, it was bound to happen." Yugi explained.

"I- oh.... okay." Atemu said.

"Now please wait here. I must attend to my duties." Yugi ordered.




Each Atemu said and stood up in a strait line so that Yugi could pass threw. As Yugi walked by Atemu couldn't help but stare at his beauty and grace.

Yugi had been called to Earth by Dartz Diamond, specifically to share his vision of the future.

"My Diamond, I've arrived." Yugi said moving the thin curtain to get close.

Dartz Diamond spoke "Yugi, tell me what will happen here."

"I foresee the rebels attacking the cloud arena. Before they are cornered, they will destroy the physical forms of 7 gems. Including two of my Atemu guards and myself. Immediately after my form is destroyed the rebels will be captured. The rebellion ends here."

"Thank you Yugi." Dartz Diamond said relieved. "That's all I needed to know."

"I look forward to speaking with you again once I reform back on Homeworld." Yugi said and bowed in respect.

Right after he walked back to his Atemu guards and stood directly next to Atemu.

Yugi knew he would be a casualty but that did not faze him. He saw his whole life laid out before him and he had already excepted all of it.

"What a beautiful place to build a colony. I wish I could have seen more of this planet." Yugi said.

"Uh, there's still time." Atemu said hoping he would get the chance to spend some more time with Yugi before they went back to Homeworld.

"That is a nice thought but, no." Yugi turned the other way and frowned.

Atemu just stood there confused.

"DARTZ DIAMOND, LEAVE THIS PLANET! THIS COLONY WILL NOT BE COMPLETED!" a voice boomed throughout the cloud arena.

"It's the rebels!" One of the guards said alarmed.


The attack was right on schedule. Immediately all the Atemu's formed into one huge Atemu and tried to punch the attacker.

But Solomon was smart and de-fused them. Soon after, his pearl came and destroyed the form of two Atemu guards.

Atemu fell flat on his face.

"Ugh..." his heard hurt. When he turned around he saw the pearl in front of Yugi.

"Thank you Atemu, you did your best." yugi said.

Atemu suddenly realized what Atemu meant. He had know that Atemu would fail, Yugi had already accepted it. But Atemu... Atemu could not!

"NO!" he shouted and pushed Yugi out of the way. However... as he pushed Yugi out of the way he accidentally merged there bodies, causing them to fuse.

They became one mind, one body, and one soul in a matter of seconds.

Yami opened his eyes for the first time.

"What..." he looked down at himself. He gasped "WHAT!" he looked down at his hands and saw two gems instead of one.

The crowd around them gasped and broke out into whispers.

"What...What is this?"

The pearl was about to attack again but Solomon held him back.

"Wait." he said "This is-" he was cut off by the angry crowd walking towards them.

"Let's go." he said.

"ugh- Bye." the pearl said and just like that they were gone.

"Is this...." Yami said still amazed by his new form. Sadly Atemu and Yugi quickly un-fused.

The furious crowd moved in on Atemu and Yugi. They'd never seen fusion between two different types of gems before.

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