Together Again

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The sky was blue. Flowers bloomed in all colours and the grass blew slightly with the soft breeze.

Gavin stood in a clear opening. The flowers were green and a slight orange.

Even the flowers remind me of him. He sighed. Time to find him.

Gavin walked; the flowers all looked the same but with one thought in mind.

The thought pushed him forward. Like an ambition, like a dream, like a message in a bottle you want someone to find. It was the thought of Michael which drove him each step further.

Soon, in the distance, he saw a single bench with two cherry trees overhanging. The petals drifting, dancing in the breeze before finally touching the ground lightly.

Gavin's eyes fixated on the figure sitting on the bench. Red curls peeped our of the beanie and black glasses fit his face.

Gavin smiled and walked up slowly, carefully; scared of this being a dream.

The figure stood up and turned, Gavin's arms snaked round the body.

"It's nice to see you. Michael."

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