That One Got Away; Chapter One

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Stepping over the decayed bodies, over four to three months years old. The cloudy gray smoke looking like fog from the skies made me go blank. My eyes burned. The black converse were precious till I found out that the ones who died I can just take their clothes, took about three outfits and whatever food and water source there was from them. Either if it's a can of green beans or a used water bottle I get, having about four cans of green beans, a set of knives I found at an house with dying corpses interviewed inside the room.

It's around October Novemeber-ish now days, getting pretty cold by the day. I still haven't found my way to the store yet, there should be a Wal-Mart or Target somewhere. I should've remembered how to get from one place another before the explosives happened, there's really no one to talk to.

Not that I at least know of; haven't seen a living human being since right before the explosions. I remember how it happened...

"Your thirteen, just a child now a teenager and time to go out, go have fun do things." My older sister had told me, about an hour or two before the explosions happened, taking my family and friends with it.

"Yeah right, your like twenty an adult." I watched her pick up her purse and her keys. Must be leaving.

"So what, I have my things to do and you have yours," she said then opened the front door,"I have to go with Carol out to the port today, I'll see you afterwards." She smiled then closed the door.

No 'I love you's, no goodbye.

It was the last memory I remember of her, her hair slicked back In a ponytail her black shirt ripped in slithers showing the back of her dark black tank top, I couldn't Forget her scent even if I forgot about my old life, she smelled like a lavender and fresh white roses.

The ground shook again holding me in place. My ears buzzed. This kept going for the nest three minutes; dreadful. Something must've fallen in the process. The vibration decreased and I went back to stepping over The Fallen ones. I might be the last one. Who knew that an eighteen-year-old would be the last living source. Everyone else's times had stopped ticking...why not mine? Why can't mine just stop ticking! I don't like it here without the people I love! I miss my sister and her friend Carol and how dad would smile at me whenever I help him with the food. I miss going to school for the love of Goodness! I started to yell in my head, I don't even know if I know how to talk anymore with words verbally... It's been five years since I have.

The world will end this time not by God or a Sin. There won't be anyone or anything left. No memories. No story's to tell. No next generation. No more smells of gingerbread during Christmas time or going to church on a Sunday.

The memories would be...

Something white -also gray and red...maybe green?- moves across my vision in a blur. Again it goes. I stop dead in my tracks pulling it out of its shaft, holding it my thumb on the back of the rim, my fingers around the handle.

I move my numbed feet slowly shuffling. The closer I get to the moving object my heart keeps increasing onto fear, I'm afraid.

Again the object moves running over to me. I look down and start laughing the figure his blue beady and dark black nose no smaller then a dime. I lowered my weapon and kneeled down by the animal catching it before it could excape and run off, die or starve. I would never see the beautiful creature again. I rub my numbing hands on its fur, noticing spots of gray and red specks on its back and sides.

I began walking rubbing the rabbits white fur walking over The Fallen bodies some turning a grossing yellow others an ice blue some even lying there themselves blood steaming down them in different places... They all look ashen mostly the newer ones.

Between fifteen and twenty minutes; I start to gag from the smoke fumes. They took over the world, might not even be ours anymore.

There's been a few with new fresh reddened scrapes and bleeding outages. The rabbit squirms from my grasp and I take off chasing after it. Stepping hard on The Fallen. Their bones crack on each step. It's gone, the rabbit will starve or be eaten by whatever is left out there...if anything is left out there.

That one got away

I'm alone again off to still find the animal...and the Wal-Mart. Then I realized: I ran out of water.

A/N: I have submitted this book to a contest of WriterAwards lovely people!

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