Dirty Liquor, Dirty Mess ; Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Dirty Liquor, Dirty Mess ( UNEDITED )

In the middle of the afternoon Jess had threw up, blood coating in the foul mess. Once fever spiked up I had to bring Sebastian go to the nearest house -just to make sure none of The Fallen have arrived to our very guest- while Jess was sound asleep.

"Stay here and don't leave this room, do not go into any of these rooms, please just do what I said." Sebastian obeyed and I left walking back to Jess.

Since Jess was still asleep, and I didn't want to wake her I ran my way back to the highway down the road, to the house that I had ventured into.

Not wanting to leave Jess to worry I gather the old liquor, a few cloths and a bucket. The material were all in my hands while I ran, hopping over The Fallen as I ran.

When arriving to my destination Jess was awake and was sniffling. "I'm sorry for keeping you alone, Sebastian's in the house just across the street, I went to get something to help you." I explained and kneeled down by Jess, putting the bucket beside her, taking out the liquor and cloths. "It'll help." I told her. She swallowed.

"I'm sorry for being so ill...I didn't want this to happen. I'm so sorry." Jess cried I rubbed her arm assuringly letting her know it was okay, and that I didn't bother. "Your fine, but hey, at least we have someone new to talk to." I cringed a smile.

"Yeah." My hands wrap around the old liquor, one in cloth other pressing popping the top open. I leaned my nose over the the lid, smelling it. "Ack! It smells."

Jess laughed, and then stopped hurling into the bucket, wiping her mouth with the cloth that I handed her. "They were the cleanest ones I could find."

"No, no, their fine." She mumbled and made a fist into the cloth. "I don't have any cuts or burns, no injections have happened."

"Good to know, mind if I see if this stuff helps your fever go down?" I made a face once I finished my sentence

"And why would you say that? Liquor doesn't do that." Jess asked and I gave her a shrug.

My hands turned making some of the liquor pour into the cloth, once the cloth was damp I sat the long bottle down and darned the stinging liquid out. Jess applied the cloth to her forehead cringing as the stinging came into set. "I know, it stinks."

"Psh, no way into hell."


Jess told me that she was fine at the moment and told me to go check on Sebastian. Once got the the house I peered into the house, looking around for the young boy. "Sebastian!" I yelled, my throat was raspy.

The young boy was standing on the counter top looking though the cabinet, "Sebastian! Get down! Your going to get hurt!" The boy dropped his self down and off of the countertop. "Fine." He whined, then shook his head, "I'm not going to hear you till Win comes."

"You heard you sister, his name isn't Win. It's Gavin," I took the cloth that was still in my hand and wiped his face. He gave me a face and swatted at my hands. "If you do that again, ill lock you in a room." I scolded, he did it again.

I lowered the cloth and dragged him by the back of his shirt into a Non-Fallen room. Once he entered the room by force I quickly closed the door, locking it before leaving the house hearing his bangs on the door and screams from his mouth.


Jess was trying to get up when I seen her. "Your not that well, stay sitting, it helps." I recommended, aiding her to sit. "I seen you limping, what happened?"

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