"Morning honey"

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After the sexual antics of last night, both Regina and Emma lay fast asleep entwined in each others arms. Meanwhile Henry was fumbling around the house getting dressed and ready for school. It seemed quite odd to Henry that his dark haired mother didn't drag him out of bed 5 minutes before his alarm was set the ring or that there wasn't any sensational aromas of breakfast spreading through the house. It suddenly dawned on Henry that this wasn't his normal daily routine and that his mother wasn't parading around the house like she normally would. "Mom?!"  Henry shouts with a questionable tone. "Mommm?!" Again he calls but this time with a more prolonged ending.
Regina heard this ruckus softly in the distance. She summed up enough energy to force one eye open to find, to her delight that Emma was wrapped around her waist asleep. 'It wasn't a dream then' Regina thought as she removed her arm from underneath the duvet to give Emma a gentle nudge. "Emma.", "Emma, Henry is up." Regina says softly trying not to attract Henry's attention from the hallway. Emma simply groans and presses her head deeper into Regina chest. Regina smiles as she watches the blonde sweetly fall back to sleep. She watches Emma for a brief moment before Henry bursts through the door, "Mom!" He announces cutting the word in half at the shock of seeing both his mothers wrapped around each other! "Henry!" Regina replies in shock, waking up the sleeping blonde beside her. "Hey kid!" Emma says with a husky tone as she unravels herself from Regina's body and wipes her morning eyes. "I don't even want to know!" Henry says with a confused but content look on his face as he turns and walks out the bedroom door. The mothers turn to face each other before Regina Lent in to kiss the blonde. "Morning honey" Emma says softly between kisses. The women stop to catch their breathes before breaking into sweet laughter to what there shared son had just witnessed. "Maybe I should check on him?" Asks Emma. "No, it's ok! I got this!" Regina announces as the throws the covers off her legs and steps out of bed.

Regina makes her way down stairs following the sound of Henry still fumbling around in the kitchen. "You ok?" She asks while she walks to stand behind her young son before grasping his shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze and pecking him on the check. Innocently Henry asks his mother "So.. Are you guys like together now?" Regina releases a slight chuckle as she turns Henry to face her, not knowing Emma had made her way to the kitchen door. "Yea I guess we are sweetheart. Only if it's ok with you though!" She says now eye level with her young boy. "I think it's great! How long have you been together? When is Emma moving in? When.." Before Henry could say another word Emma butted in from the sidelines, "Relax kid! We'll figure that all out in time!" Regina stares at the young beauty who was standing against the frame of the kitchen door glaring back with a smile. "Exactly. No need to get ahead of ourselves!" says the brunette tossing her bed hair behind her ear. "Breakfast at granny's? My treat!" States Emma making both Henry and Regina crack a smile.

Sorry for the delay on the update. Had a busy week! Will hopefully get another up within the next few days. Keep letting me know what the think :) love you guys X

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