Chapter Four

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Cassiel walked nervously towards the growing crowd of eager Angels, murmuring softly to one another. He stood next to a quiet girl with short blonde hair, who was staring into the distance. Cassiel followed her gaze to a little spot just across the meadow. There was a shimmering light in the distance and he squinted his eyes, trying to make it out. He was suddenly interrupted with a booming voice, 'Quiet now' Cassiel turned to the source of the voice. The murmuring and muttering was driven to a halt as everybody stared up at Raphael. He was one of the highest ranking archangels in Heaven and was regularly assigned with the task of delivering important announcements from God, as well as other major duties such as carrying out very important missions. The young man started to feel an uneasy feeling in his stomach, as he lowered his gaze and started chewing on his lip. Everything will be okay.

'By the Lord's order, I command you all to listen to this important announcement' Raphael started.

Raphael stood tall and straight, his brown eyes looked over all the Angels, 'as you all may already be aware, there are some important events taking place on Earth, something that might change everything'

'I am here to announce an important mission for one very lucky Angel' there was a rush of excitement as the Angels started murmuring to one another again, Cassiel felt sick and cold. He wanted to leave. He felt sweaty and anxious. Everything will be okay. What's the worst that could happen?

'One of you has been assigned an important task. The task to save Earth from Satan's evil. This is no ordinary task and it will not be an easy one either...' Raphael shot Cassiel a sad and weary look. 'The Lord is sending one brave and trusty Angel to go down to Earth and locate and bring back Insignis, a gem that will provide Earth with another chance at life.' Cassiel felt a shiver down his spine, as the possibility of being chosen dawned on him. No...No...

He closed his eyes shut and everything around him blurred into nothing.

        When he awoke, he was back in Topaz's little underground home. He felt cold and his mouth felt dry. The house seemed empty, the furniture was turned upside down and Topaz was nowhere to be seen. Cassiel closed his eyes, trying to gather his memories back. All he remembered was him standing in the square, next to a girl with...blonde hair. Raphael... what did he say...? he couldn't remember. He rubbed his temples gently, he could feel a faint throbbing in his temples and he felt a little nauseous. He opened his eyes again, slowly lifting his body off the bed, his fingers clutching the mattress tightly. Dizzy. What is going on? He rubbed his eyes, his vision seemed blurry, he could see faint outlines of the overturned furniture. What had happened here? he needed to find Topaz. With one hand on the wall, he managed to hoist himself off to bed and on his feet. He felt weak, he had lost everything. His sharp vision, his perfect sense of balance. Just then, he heard faint voices approaching the overhead trapdoor. A flurry of panic filled his stomach and his eyes darted around, trying to find somewhere to hide, but he was too late. The trapdoor flung open, a shower of sand and small rocks fell from above and Cassiel ducked down behind the bed. His heart was beating so fast that he felt it was going to pop out of his chest. A small figure emerged and Cassiel crouched further, he wasn't sure if he should say something. No, of course not. I shouldn't... 

'Cass? are you in there?' a small, dainty voice called out from above. There was a hint of sadness in her voice and he grew worried.


He slowly emerged from behind the bed, one hand still on the wall trying to balance himself. He blinked his eyes a few times and his vision seemed to improve. Topaz was sat above with a frightened expression on her beautiful face, her eyes looked glazed over as if she had been crying. When she realised Cassiel gazing at her, she quickly wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and smiled at him, she dropped the rope ladder down towards him. Without asking, he walked towards the rope ladder and glanced up at his friend one last time before solemnly climbing up the ladder, his fingers curled tightly around the rope, trying to hold on as tight as he could, but his hands were shaking. He tried to focus and ignore it. I can't make a fool of myself... I have to do this. Topaz  held her hand out for him from above to grab. He eventually made it and grabbed her hand. It was icy cold. Topaz pulled him up and then proceed to hug him as tight as she could. She didn't even wait for him to stand up. Cassiel held her close, his hands were still shaking as he tried to wrap them around her. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she let go of him and scanned over his face, her eyes filling up with tears again. Cassiel gave her a little smile, tenderly wiping away a tear from her cheek. 

'It's okay.' he told her, but was it really okay? his voice was about to crack, but she nodded quickly and smiled at him quickly, holding onto his arm, and they began walking. 


So, what did you guys think? Are you excited? I have a lot planned for this story and I can guarantee that it is going to get very exciting! I will be uploading the full chapter soon once I finish it, I just wanted to let you guys have a sneak peak and to also remind you that I am not dead and that I have just been very busy DX


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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